These are 6 non-EU European countries you can live and work safely.


Scandinavian Norway ranked very high in our analysis of Non-EU countries that you can live and work safely.

All the yardsticks you may want to use to measure safety issues of a country such as unstable government, unstable economy, war, political conflict, natural disasters, health issues, hostile neighbours etc are absent in Norway.

Surprisingly an advanced economy such as Norway is not a member of the European Union. Norway remains one of the safest countries in the world.

For anyone who desires a country that is ranked as the best place to live, a country that treats workers very well and places their welfare as a top priority. In a country with a well planned and high-quality educational system, you can’t be wrong if you choose Norway as a country to relocate to.


When rummaging about a non-EU European country that you can live and work safely continental Turkey is a country worth consideration.

Regardless of the political upheavals recently unsettled Turkey, a European country that shared a border with some volatile Middle East and Asian countries remains a safe place to live and work provided you’re ready to be proficient in their language.

No matter the selfishness of some political elite, the strong foundation of Turkey remains unshakeable, generally things are working systematically, Turkey’s largest cities, Istanbul and the capital of Ankara are safe to foreigners.
Despite the low pay, there is a large presence of foreign nationals in Turkey engaging in various aspects of human activities.

For any foreigner who is having the means, Turkey is a good country to set up a business. The environment is really favourable for business. Turkey’s location is a tremendous advantage, a European country not far from Asia and the Middle East. A largely Muslim country but with a western-style way of life. A foreigner living, working or visiting Turkey had much to gain from the diversity of the Turkish nation.

For any foreigner looking for a job in Turkey please note There’s some profession you cannot work as a foreigner. A profession such as Medicine, law, nursing, dentistry, pharmaceutical, a veterinarian. Security jobs such as customers and immigration are no go areas for foreigners, surprisingly.

For anyone who is a qualified English teacher, there is always a continuous vacancy in most of Turkey’s big cities for English.  All you need to do is get a job recruiter to assist you in getting the job. However, remember you will need a work permit to qualify for the job.


Despite Ukraine continuous altercation with her bigger neighbour Russian over the annexation of Crimea by the former, Ukraine remains a safe country. Internally the country enjoys a democratic government which make a change of government through voting a normal system. The government is stable, political disturbances rarely are seen and violent crime is at a low level.

Being a fairly large country, one of the biggest in Europe, an area close to the Crimea Peninsula are understandably unsafe and foreigners are expected to keep off the region located in the far east.

We are tempted to include Ukraine in the non-EU European countries we believed are safe to visit or live for foreigners, due to the fact that many young Africans largely from Nigeria are currently studying in Ukraine, without negative reports or threat to life. Ukraine is a popular choice of many young Africans wishing to acquire a medical degree which is not easily available in their country of origin.

Ukraine is a large country well known for its efficient agricultural production. The country exports a large number of sunflower and wheat annually.

Due to the fact that the majority of Ukrainian citizens don’t speak English, it may be difficult for an African immigrant to get a job here, besides,  in order to work legally, you need to process a work permit.

Before you pack your luggage heading for the East European country be sure you make a proper enquiry and research on how beneficial a University degree from Ukraine will be useful in your future endeavour.



Besides the extreme weather and the volcanic activities that may be strange to anyone from a tropical country, and the unpredictable weather that can change without notice, otherwise, Iceland remains the safest country in the world. Violent crimes are not common, the government is stable and there is extreme respect for human rights.

A well planned and highly developed country. Iceland is so peaceful that you rarely saw a police officer carrying a gun or running helter-skelter chasing criminals.

Despite the fact that Iceland is sparsely populated, there are job opportunities, however, it will take a lot of courage to be fitted into a closed society such as Iceland.

Relating from the experience of a few foreigners living here, it’s either you came here through a marriage to an Icelandic or you have a special skill that is not easily found with citizens of EU countries.
Furthermore, it’s almost impossible for non-EU citizens to get a work visa to come to Iceland.
It’s also good to remember that Iceland today is one of the most expensive countries to live in the world. Anything you want to buy here is on the high side.

The viable option we believed vividly you can use is the study to stay approach. If you have the courage and you are interested in relocating to Iceland the best way is to set aside time to study for a course that is relevant to the employment need of Iceland. Apply and study in one of their approved universities.

Studying in Iceland will definitely afford you the opportunity of knowing what Iceland is all about.
Some of the Universities in Iceland are: University of Iceland, Reykjavik University, University of Akureyri. Most of the big Universities here offer a large number of courses taught fully in English and the tuition fees are very low.
In conclusion on Iceland, our honest advice to any young non-EU citizen interested in how to live and work in Iceland is to use the study to stay approach.

For anyone interested in a direct approach, be courageous to do a serious search for a job online for a job in Iceland from your country of residence. You can try this link: – search for a job.


Switzerland is not only a safe country to live in but a country working assiduously to make sure that the safety system in place is functioning properly.

Amazingly, a well-organized country such as Switzerland located in Central Europe is not part of the European Union arrangement.

Switzerland is the best in everything, best in a political system that doesn’t give room to a dictator or a corrupt leader. The system of collective leadership and collective responsibilities. An amazingly stable government that believed in peaceful changes without engaging in the jamboree and expensive elections.

For anyone who desires to work in Switzerland, it is important to let you know that Switzerland is a very expensive place to live, the cost of living is considered higher than what’s prevailing in most EU countries.

The beauty aspect of working in Switzerland is that employees working in Switzerland have a good working life. According to experts, Switzerland is regularly ranked as having the best quality of life in the world.

For anyone interested in living and working in Switzerland the right approach is to process a work visa from your country of residence to qualify for a work permit. However, if you find it difficult processing the work visa you can try these two viable options:

1. Claim an asylum
If you’re coming from one of those war-ravaged countries or you’re at the risk of being persecuted politically or ethnically in your country of residence for divergent reasons the best way to live in an advanced economy such as Switzerland is to claim asylum. Do your research on how asylum may work for you.

2. For those who are academically inclined living and working in a beautiful country called Switzerland is achievable if you can invest your time and resources in studying for a professional course that you know is in tandem with the employment need of Switzerland. Go for it right now.

Despite the fact that the territory of Belarus is 40% filled with forests,  the Eastern European country is considered safe for everyone. Violent crimes are rarely occurring and visitors to Belarus normally feel safe when going about their daily transactions.

Belarus is governed by a dictator, a long term President called Lukashenko. He has been in power since the election of 1994. Despite the fact, the country is stable without many political upheavals.

Belarus is a good place to live in. A nice place for reasonably priced housing, a clean and safe environment. Belarus ranked very high in a place good for a retiree who intends to relocate.

Belarusian citizens are friendly and accommodating people, if you choose to visit Belarus you will be treated to a hospitable culture you will be fascinated by their friendly disposition which will make you want to visit again.

Due to many factors such as language and high unemployment in Belarus,  foreigners may find it difficult to get a job here. To cap it all international students are not permitted to work during their studies. Therefore if you’re are thinking of a Non-EU place to go Belarus seems to be a no go area or you make it the last on your list.

That’s all on for now on 6 Non-EU European countries you can live and work safely.


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