This write-up is specially made for applicants struggling to travel to Europe specifically for jobs that are usually very difficult to find, that they can easily get such jobs in Nigeria if they are ready to move far away from their comfort zone. Here are Top 85 European Union jobs and NGO openings in Nigeria.

Top 85 European Union jobs and NGO openings in Nigeria

For job applicants focusing on travelling abroad why don’t you check out the following top 85 European Union jobs and NGO openings in Nigeria. From our research, we found out that there is some job you can land here that give you equal pay or more as those job in Europe or elsewhere without the hassle and frustrations of applying for a work visa.

The following jobs are currently trending for any qualified applicant in some NGO and EU organisations based in Nigeria.

1. Project Managers
2. Human Resources Coordinator
3. HR Managers
4. HR Officers
5. HR Assistants
6. HR Intern
7. Receptionists
8. Development Coordination Officers
9. Infrastructure Project Assistants
10. Administrative Officers
11. Logistics Specialists
12. Logistics Managers
13. Logistics Advisor
14. Logistics Officers
15. Logistics Assistant
16. Live-in Nanny
17. Medical Doctors
18. Obstetrics & Gynecology Doctor
19. Health Specialists
20. Health Manager
21. Health Coordinators
22. Health Officers
23. Health Assistants
24. Nutrition Specialists
25. Nutrition Managers
26. Nutrition Coordinators
27. Stabilization Center Coordinators
28. Stabilization Center Officers
29. Community Management of Acute Malnutrition Officer
30. Mobilization Officer
31. Infant and Young Children Feeding Officer
32. Stabilization Center Assistants
33. Nutrition Assistants
34. Sanitation Coordinators
35. Sanitation/Wash Officers
36. Sanitation/Wash Assistants
37. Finance Manager
38. Program Officers
39. Administrative Assistant
40. ICT Coordinators
41. ICT Officers
42. Technical Engineers
43. Professional Drivers
44. Finance Officer
45. Finance Assistants
46. Security Managers
47. Security Officers
48. Security Assistants
49. Livelihood Specialists
50. Livelihood Manager
51. Livelihood Officers
52. Livelihood Assistants
53. Food Distribution Officers
54. State Coordinators
55. Political Officers
56. Account Clerk
57. International Aid/Cooperation Officer
58. Logistics Assistant/Driver
59. Agric Service Specialist
60. Office Assistants
61 Monitoring & Evaluation Specialist
62. Team Leader
63. Management Trainee
64. Senior Finance Officer – Northern Region
65. Regional Sales Managers
66. Senior Health System Strengthening Advisor
67. State Technical Officer
68. Technical Service Supervisor
69. HR Manager
70. Event Manager
71. Account Manager
72. Administrative Assistant (Guest House Management)UNICEF
73. Stakeholders Engagement Consultant
74. Information Technology Assistant
75. Stakeholders Engagement Facilitator
76. Community Engagement Officer
77. Protection Specialist
78. Protection Manager
79. Protection Coordinators
80. Protection Officer
81. Protection Assistants
82. Education Specialists
83. Education Coordinators
84. Education Officers
85. Education Assistants


Who are the NGO?

A Non-governmental organization (NGO) is a non-profit, citizen-based group that functions independently of government.
They focus mainly on

1. Developmental projects
2. Emergency projects

Some NGOs relies primarily on volunteers, while others support a paid staff

1. Through Grants: The Non-governmental organizations write proposals through expatriates seeking grants to finance specific projects they want to carry out, specifying the location, beneficiary targets, and duration.

Examples of where these grants come from

– USAID The United States Agency for International Development is an independent agency of the United States Federal Government that is primarily responsible for administering civilian foreign aid and development.

– DFID The Department for International Development is a United Kingdom government department responsible for administering overseas aid. The goal of the department is to promote sustainable development and eliminate world poverty


– EU (European Union)

– OFDA The Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance is an organisational unit within the United States Agency for International Development (USAID)that is charged by the President of the United States with directing and coordinating international United States government disaster assistance.

Besides grants from the Government of advanced countries private individuals often time donates funds and materials for the smooth running of NGOs.
Whether the NGO is small or large, various NGOs need budgets to operate

However once in a while, NGOs may need to verify the source where the private donations are coming from.

Some NGOs are highly professionalised therefore rely mainly on paid staff to function appropriately.


The following are some of the NGOs currently operating in Nigeria:

1. The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) This is the world’s largest humanitarian organisation.
2. World Health Organisation (WHO)
3. Save the Children International
4. The United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF)
5. Plan International
6. World Food Program (WFP)
7. United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
8. Action Against Hunger
9. CARE International
10. Search for Common Ground (Search)
11. Danish Refugee Council (DRC)
12. The Alliance for International Medical Action (ALIMA)
13. Solidarites International (SI)
14. Catholic Relief Services (CRS)
15. The International Rescue Committee (IRC)
16. Norwegian Refugee Council
17. United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR)
18. International Organisation for Migration (IOM)
19. Medecine sans frontiers
20. Medicine du monde
21. Catholic Caritas
22. Malaria Consortium
23. Palladium
24. SOS Children Villages
25. FHI 360
26. Neem Foundation
27. INTERSOS Nigeria
28. StreSERT Services Limited
29. Breakthrough ACTION/Nigeria
30. RTI International

Above are some of the EU funded organisations and Non-governmental organizations based in Nigeria that are functioning and most of them are currently recruiting staff for their operations.

If you’re interested in joining any of these organisations all you have to do is to search for their website or go through some online employment links. Furthermore, if you’re sure a particular organisation is recruiting, you will do yourself a lot of good if you can travel down to their base and make on the spot enquiry and assessment of their activities. Otherwise, you may need the service of an experienced job recruiter to assist you in processing the job.

That’s all on the top 85 European Union jobs and NGO openings in Nigeria


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