Canada is one of the North American countries many people –including Nigerians –crave to visit for employment, education, tourism and other purposes. Regardless of your purpose of visiting the country, it is important that you find out the Canada visa processing time in Nigeria associated with the various classes of Canadian visas.

A series of steps are required before a Canadian visa package is ready for use and it is obvious that visa application is the first step you take towards obtaining a certified visa package to Canada. Owing to the importance of visa application, people are often cautioned to look out for the most reliable VAC (Visa Application Centre) in their country.

Nigerians can be very anxious about their proposed visits to Canada and that is why they tend to find out the duration it will take for their Canadian visas to be fully processed. Basically, in Nigeria, there are no fixed processing times for Canadian visas and therefore, the processing times are bound to change over time depending on certain factors.

The Canadian Immigration website is a useful platform for finding out the processing time for a particular visa type to Canada but this still doesn’t mean the stated duration is stable. Though the website may imply that only 37 days is required to fully process a visitor’s visa, you still have to realize that the processing time is certain to be longer. If you and somebody are applying for a similar Canadian visa type at the same time, don’t assume the IRCC will approve the two visa applications at the same time. Conditionally, you may receive your fully processed visa package earlier than the person and vice versa.

The processing length for every visa application is determined by a number of factors which may not be fully explained here. But to give you some insight concerning the time required for your visa application to be approved, there are certain factors/conditions you should bear in mind. As you read this article further, you will surely find out some of the factors which affect the processing time of a Canadian visa application in Nigeria.

In this article, we have gathered useful information on the various classes of Canadian visas obtained by Nigerians. Also, we have included the supposed duration for each of the visa types to be approved by the IRCC. Meanwhile, it should be noted that Canadian visa types usually have different processing times and as contained in this article, the processing time for each Canadian visa class is the average timeframe estimated by the IRCC (Immigration, Refugee and Citizenship Canada).

Finally, below are the processing times for the various Canadian visa types issued in Nigeria. It should also be noted that the processing times highlighted in this article are specific to Canadian visa applications in Nigeria.



The Temporary Residence or Canadian Visitors’ Visa

The temporary residence visa is usually obtained by those willing to visit Canada in order to see their relatives or for the purpose of tourism. It is also applicable to those obtaining work permits, study permits or students’ visas in order to work or study in Canada.

Work Permit: the processing time for a Canadian visa on the basis of a work permit can stretch as far as three months

Student’s Visa: Student’s visa is specified for those visiting Canada for the purpose of studying over there. The required time frame for a student’s visa to be approved is 3 months.

Visitor’s Visa: On average, it takes one to two months for a visitor’s visa to be fully processed.


Super Visa: Super visa is issued to the grandparents or parents of Canadian citizens (or those who have established themselves as permanent residents of Canada). The average duration it takes for a super visa to be fully processed is 3 months and 17 days (alternatively 107 days).


Economic Class Visa: This is the type of visa issued to a special category of applicants including federal skilled employees (with express entry), Provincial nominees (with express entry), Canadian Experience and Atlantic Immigration Pilot. For the stated applicants, the economic visa often takes up to 6 months before it is fully processed.

Visa for Self-employed Applicants: It takes longer duration for this kind of visa to be fully processed. On average, the processing time extends up to 35 months (approximately 3 years).


  • Visa for Skilled Workers (Quebec): It takes about 14 months (1 year and 2 months) for this type of visa to be fully processed.
  • Visa for Sponsored Persons: For the purpose of Canadian visa application, some people often sponsor their relatives such as a wife/husband, a child to be adopted and even a dependent child.
  • Visa to Sponsor a Wife/Husband: On average, it takes about 1 year for this type of visa to be fully processed.
  • Visa to Sponsor a Child to be Adopted: On the average, it takes up to 29 months (2 years 5 months) for this type of visa to be fully processed.
  • Visa to Sponsor a Dependent Child: To obtain a Canadian visa for a dependent child, the processing time usually extends up to 17 months (alternatively 1 year and 5 months).

Important Factors/Conditions to Note about Canada Visa Processing time in Nigeria 

While waiting for a Canadian visa to be fully processed, it is essential that you familiarize yourself with some of the factors which affect the visa processing duration. Whether you have applied for your Canadian visa or still planning to do so, below are some of the conditions which affect the processing time for your Canadian visa:

  1. As stipulated by the IRCC (Immigration Refugee and Citizenship Canada), changes occur in visa processing times based on the number of visa applications submitted to the agency at a given time. In that case, the processing time for your visa may be shorter or longer depending on the number of visa applications currently received by the IRCC. If the IRCC has a relatively large number of visa applications at the time you’re submitting your visa application, it may take a longer time for your visa to be fully processed
  2. To mathematically decide your visa processing duration, be informed that the duration begins immediately your VAC (Visa Application Centre) submits your visa application to the IRCC and ends as soon as the IRCC grants approval to it
  3. Visa processing times are important things to note because they tell applicants the normal duration required for their visa applications to be approved by the IRCC after submission by respective VACs (Visa Application Centres). Therefore, it is essential to note that this duration is exclusive of the time it will take your VAC to forward your visa application to the IRCC
  4. There are various visa-processing centres in the country [Nigeria] and each of them may be faced with some factors which often determine, moderate or prolong the duration for visas to be fully processed. In that case, some of the factors are discussed below:
  • The efficiency and quality of visa-processing machines at the visa-processing centre: It is very important to look out for the most reliable visa-processing centre in the country because your visa-processing time can be unnecessarily prolonged if you choose a centre that utilizes inefficient and faulty facilities
  • The number of visa applications at the disposal of your visa-processing centre: If your visa-processing centre is overwhelmed with too many visa applications, this may delay the required duration for your visa to be fully processed.
  1. There are usually different periods for the first review of visa applications. Meanwhile, there are no definite times stipulated for these reviews
  2. The IRCC processes visa applications in the order it receives them from a Visa Application Centre. Even if you submit your visa application to a VAC earlier than someone, don’t assume you will receive your visa package before that person receives his/her own
  3. It is very important to respond quickly to your visa-processing centre especially when it requests for information and documents about you. If you, however, fail to do this, your visa package may be delayed unnecessarily.
  4. At a given period of time, you may be keen to find out the latest processing time for a specified visa application. If there is need to do this, you can always visit this link  to browse the Canadian Immigration website.
  5. It is most advisable that you make your visa application before summertime. This is often known as the “peak period’’ because it is the period in which visa applications tend to increase in number. By applying for your Canadian visa earlier than the “peak period’’, you’re likely to hasten the processing time of the visa


  • The availability and efficiency of mail service: Before you choose a visa-processing centre, ensure efficient mail service operations are available at the centre. Importantly, efficient mail service operations will prevent your visa processing time from being delayed unnecessarily. On an advisory note, you can add an extra period of 10 days for the purpose of transit. Meanwhile, this is the period required for your visa application to be transferred between the IRCC and your location.

That’s all about Canada Visa Processing time in Nigeria,  for more information you may contact this website.


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