Top 10 Interesting Facts About Nigeria Culture Economy Kid

Come let us take a tour the top 10 interesting facts about Nigeria culture economy kids. Nigeria is a very popular country in the world. Nigeria as a country stands as a very important country in the world. She has the highest population in the whole of Africa. She also has the biggest economy in Africa and is often regarded as the giant of Africa. Despite how great and important the county is, there are lots of interesting facts you do not know about the country.  Here we go!

Top 10 Interesting Facts About Nigeria

1. Over 250 Ethnic Groups

As big and populated as Nigeria is, a lot of people are not aware of the fact about Nigeria that this Nation is made up of more than 3 – 5 ethnic groups. People often group Nigerians into Yoruba, Igbo and Hausa. Unfortunately, this is very wrong as Nigeria is made up of over 250 ethnic groups.

2. Derived Name From West Africa’s Longest River

Have you ever wondered what Nigeria means? Basically, the name has no meaning in any language. The name was rather derived from the longest river in West Africa. River Niger is the longest river in West Africa, and this country was named Nigeria (Niger Area) in relation to it.

3. One of Human’s Oldest Existence Locations

Not everyone is well aware of the fact that Nigeria has long been inhabited as far as 9000 BC. People often make the mistake of thinking Nigeria is not a lot more than 60 years because the country gained independence in 1960, about 57 years ago. This is absolutely wrong. Nigeria is one of the few places that have longed been inhabited by men.

4. Country With The Largest Butterfly Diversity

Butterflies are very lovely insects loved by a lot of people. These insects exit in a wide range of beautiful colours. However, these insects are scarce in some places, and largely populated in other places. This Nation has a very large population of butterflies. Not only that, it is the country that harbours the largest butterfly diversity. To be more specific, the Cross Rivers area has the largest butterfly diversity.

5. One of the Largest Producers Of Crude Oil

Although the cost of petrol and kerosene are relatively high, do not be deceived into thinking that this is caused because of limited crude oil in the country. Nigeria is a country that is blessed with crude oil. Not only that, but the country also stands out as one of the largest producers of crude oil in the world. Nigeria produces more oil than some very important countries in the world.

6. The Oldest Boat In Africa

Just like we stated earlier, this Nation is a place that has been long inhabited by humans. To prove that this statement is right, the oldest boat in Africa was found in Nigeria. This boat which is known as Dufuna boat is about 8500 years old. Not only does Dufuna makes history in Africa, but it also makes it in the world. Dufuna boat stands out as the second oldest boat in the world.

7. Islam and Christianity Dominance

Nigeria is a great country composed all sorts of ethnic groups. Despite the diversity of the country, most of the citizens are either Muslims or Christian. There are some traditional believers, but they too small number compared to the population of Muslims and Christians.

8. World Leader of Twins

Everyone knows how desirable twins are. Nigeria stands as the country which has the highest number of twins. No country of the world has the number of twins found here.

9. No Visa Required To Enter The United Kingdom

Not until 1974, every citizen of Nigeria has the legal right to travel to the United Kingdom without a visa. Back then, Nigeria is one of the few countries with such a privilege.

10. High Number of Internet User

The internet is used by millions of people all over the world daily. However, the number of internet penetration from one country to another differs. Nigeria stands among one of the top 10 countries with the highest number of internet users, at the top of developed countries like the United Kingdom, South Korea, France and Canada.

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