Here we present to you living and working in Norway 2022.  NORWAY a Scandinavian country located in northern Europe is an advanced country that had scored first in almost every important aspect of world activities and human endeavour. In this write-up, we shall intimate you comprehensively with a practical way of living and working in Norway despite its very high standard of living.


It’s important to take note from the onset that we’re focusing on migrants from developing countries who are interested in relocating or living and working in Norway.

Furthermore, it’s pertinent to face the reality that getting good jobs abroad when you’re relocating from a non-European Union country, nowadays, especially an advanced country such as Norway is a difficult task but not insurmountable.


In taking the decision in living and working in Norway there are important things you should consider before you pack your luggage for the northern European country:

1. Your qualifications: The first question you asked yourself is that do you have the right qualifications or prerequisites to get a job where you’re relocating.

2. Your health: It seems the easiest – your health,  but it is very important to be in good health with a sound mind to cope effortlessly in a new country.

3. Your financial position: Basic travelling allowance or a take-off grant is a must for your initial wellbeing.

4. Your family relationships: Are you ready to leave your extended family behind,  in some cases forever.

5. Availability of jobs or your skill in Norway: Have you done enough search to know if your area of specialization is needed in Norway.
Norway is an oil-producing nation which is very important to the country’s development, therefore, there are job opportunities in oil and gas and allied engineering technology.

6. Family in Norway: Have you been to or have family or friends in Norway. Having someone on the ground may be a needed tonic for a fine start.

7. Have you considered the Norwegian weather: it is essential to know or have it in mind that you’re relocating to a Scandinavian area which is mainly a temperate region. Please note you’ll need your cardigans most of the time. Furthermore,  you need to choose the region you intend to stay in Norway.

8. Are you seeking asylum: If you’re an asylum seeker be sure you’re familiar with the procedure before setting out. Asylum usually involves a long process which entails the use of a knowledgeable professional to assist in getting it done without messing things up.

9. Language barrier: Don’t be deceived that English is a universal language, it’s a distant second language in Norway. Norwegians have their official means of communication and the earlier you get used to their language the better you will get in your daily interactions. Norsk is the language of business in Norway,  fluency in it is the road to succeed in your job and career progression.

Besides daily interactions with the locals, the best place to learn the language quickly is the library,  Visiting the library will enable you to get a selection of books on Norsk, guides, and CDs. Additionally, some libraries offer free courses where it is possible to meet and speak with other immigrants who are beginners in Norsk.

10. Your real reasons for living and working in Norway: Having a focus or your will to succeed in your quest for a better life, for you and your family,  is all you need in your living and working in Norway project.


There are three viable options you have in your quest for living and working in Norway.

1. SEEKING OUTRIGHT ASYLUM IN NORWAY: Besides the economic reason that may make many migrants seeking permanent relocation to Norway, wars, conflicts, political persecutions, inhumane treatment and famine in their home country could act as a major factor why a foreigner could seek permanent relocation to Norway, a place where he believed the environment is stable and safe for him and his wards.

2. APPLY FOR A WORK VISA: If you have the skill or you’re an expert in some sought after professions such as software engineering, computer or system engineer, mechanical or electrical/electronic technicians, Oil and Gas experts, All aspects of nursing/medical practitioners, information technology professionals, water engineers,  etcetera you could get a job directly from your home country and consequently obtain a work visa which can lead to resident permits or permanent residency in Norway.

3. STUDY TO STAY OPTION: This is perhaps the recommended of the three options. If you can invest your time and resources, the third option is a win situation.
The advantages of this approach are that you study a course that is needed in Norway, secondly, while studying you master the Norwegian’s language and culture which will be essential for your survival and day-to-day interactions in future. Importantly you can easily be assimilated and get used to the weather.


If you’re interested in one of the nos 1&2 options these are the possible ways to go about it.

1. Get an international passport.
2. Get reasonable finance to prepare for a trip to Norway.
3. Because it may be difficult to get a work visa, prepare for a short stay visa to Norway.
If you do not have a relation in Norway to invite you, get a tourist visa and travel to Norway for an on the spot assessment. This will enable you to search for a job and be familiar with the current situation in Norway.

4. If you can get a work visa, these are jobs that are possible to get in Norway: Nursing, Medical-related careers, engineering, computer science,

Software engineers and technicians, Information technology designers and operators, fishing and shipbuilding and repairs, road and building construction.
For adequate information on job vacancies in Norway, you can get help by visiting the European Job Mobility Portal:

Self-employment: If you’re a master in a specific trade or profession and you intend to be on your own. It is possible to be self-employed provided you can scale through the initial paper works, and be ready to pay tax. Part of it is to do special accreditation which will allow you to practice your trade or profession in the country.


If you entered Norway and you have the intention of staying for more than 90 days be ready to register with the Norwegian Directorate of Immigration (UDI) whether you are staying to study or to work.
When you are applying for any of the permits, be sure you have all the required documents correct and sensibly placed them in a folder, incorrect, unorganised and incomplete documents or information may lead to permit denial.


If you entered the country with the aim of a long stay and you get yourself a job, you may need the service of the Oslo Chamber of Commerce, you can seek their help through an organisation called the International Network of Norway INN. They are available to assist migrants workers on how to go through the bureaucracy of getting or processing resident permits and the national identity card number, tax card, or opening of a bank account. The choice is yours.

If you decide to consider the above approach, there are two ways you can go about it:
1. (a) Search for a college or university in Norway that offers your choice of study.
(b) Apply for admission from your home country.
(c) When you get acceptance of the offer, apply for a student visa from your home country.
(d) Finally, if you get a Student visa you can use it to travel to Norway.

2. If you enter Norway, maybe as a refugee or visitor and you decide to use the option of study to stay, the first step is to search for a college or university that offers your course of study.
Secondly, you have to apply for a studies residence permit.
Furthermore, if you’re a skilled immigrant worker and you intend to study in Norway while working, to get a recognised qualification, you have to apply for a study permit.

These are important websites you can visit if you intend to study in Norway:
1. The Norwegian Universities and Colleges Admission Service (NUCAS)
2. National Organisation for Quality in Education – (NOKUT)
3. – a study in Norway
6. UDI – Study permit

Check out those sites one of them may be of help in securing admission to a University in Norway.

Be sure you choose a course that is relevant to the employment need of Norway, therefore you will be able to secure a job without much stress after graduation.
Studying in Norway afford you opportunities for high-quality education in a serene environment, with a dedicated academy and world-class facilities.
When you choose Norway to study the biggest advantage you will benefit from is that you don’t have to stress yourself about school fees because Norway offers tuition-free and high-quality education at all state-owned institutions.
Furthermore, there is no discrimination to where you’re coming from, all admitted students enjoy the free tuition.

The beauty of study in Norway is that you have the chance of searching for a job before your student visa expires, and if you secure employment you can stay indefinitely to process your work or residence permits.

Because you studied there we believe that you are familiar with the terrain and the language, therefore navigating your ways will not be difficult.
That’s why we strongly recommend and in support of the study to stay approach.

As an advanced country, it is an understatement to explain that the cost of living in Norway is high. Accommodation, food and drinks are expensive but intracity transportation is affordable and stress-free to move anywhere.

EQUAL PAY: If you’re able to secure a job, the Norwegian system allows all immigrants to receive equal pay for equal work on the same level as Norwegians
BE READY TO PAY TAX: Because you’re receiving a living wage be ready to pay tax. As soon as you commence working and received pay the tax deduction is apparent. Some organisations are willing to assist in this regard

People of Norway are very civilized and very friendly, crime rates are very low, an indication that you’re safe.
Making friends in Norway is very easy because of their friendly disposition, regardless of where you’re coming from,  finding yourself a companion is made simple. All you need is to be truthful. Getting by is easy,  in that majority of Norwegian people do understand and speak English.
Relax while in Norway because you’re in a country statistically considered to be the cleanest country in the world.

TRAVEL FREE TO SCHENGEN ZONE: Despite the fact that Norway is not a full member of the European Union,  Norway visa allows the holder free entry into all Schengen areas.


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