How Much Is International Passport In Nigeria/


Nigeria government launched a new enhanced security Nigerian international passport with 10 years validity.

  • The 64 Pages with 10 years validity will cost NGN70,000 in the country
  • The 64 pages with 10 years validity will cost USD230 outside the country

Furthermore,  there is a new passport still with five years validity:

  • The 32 pages will cost NGN25,000 in the country and USD130 outside the country
  • The 64 Pages will cost NGN35,000 in the country and USD150 outside the country.


According to the Comptroller General of the Nigeria Immigration Service, the latest passport introduced has enhanced features which will make it easier for security management.
2. That the new passport will bring discipline in the system.
3. The new passport reform programme is weather friendly.
4. It is International Civil Aviation (ICAO) compliant.
5. It has polycarbonate technology that eliminates damages and enhanced security features.
6. Importantly, it saves Nigerians living overseas time of the frequent visit to the Nigerian Embassy for passport processing.

7. The old and new passports work concurrently.

The Minister of interior further added that the electronic passport database is the most reliable source of data for criminal investigation.
He stated further that the challenge the country is facing currently is that the passport was being produced in a foreign country, that for security reasons it is important Nigeria passport should be produced in the country.
He concluded that the government is in the process of producing the passport locally because the Nigeria Minting Company will take over the production in due course.

Our view:
The price of the new passport is relatively expensive: Putting the price tag of the 64 Pages at NGN70,000, will surely make it unpopular in the country, unless there is artificial scarcity (which is unfortunate) most people in the country will not go for it, despite the huge welcome and popularity the news was received when President Muhammadu Buhari launched the 10 years validity passport.
Secondly, because of security implications and economic wastage in producing Nigeria passport outside the country, there is no reason rushing to introduce the 10 years validity when the local production is not ready. The question is, How long shall we wait to see a domestically produced Nigeria International passport.

The question on “Prices, how much is an international passport in Nigeria and Nigerian passport renewal fee” is very common online, we at facts36 decided to give you the complete official fee for Standard Nigeria Passport in Nigeria and abroad. (Old passport)

The Standard Nigerian passport is of two types:

  • [1] 32 pages
  • [2] 64 Pages


i. 32 PAGES: The cost of 32 pages type can be for different categories of people, with different charges. Price listed is as follows:

  • a. MINOR – A day old – 17 years #12,500
  • b. ADULT – 18 years – 59 years #19,500
  • c. ELDERLY 60 years and above #12,500

ii. 64 PAGES:– The official fee for 64 Pages is #24,500 for all category of applicants.

APPLICANTS can process the application form and do the payment online through the appropriate Nigeria Immigration Service porter.

how much is international passport in Nigeria and Nigerian passport renewal fee


The price of international passport for Nigerians residing outside the country differs.

Price of 32 Pages are as follows :

  • a. MINOR:- A day old – 17 years 77 dollars
  • b. ADULT:- 18 years – 59 years 106 dollars
  • c. ELDERLY:- 60 years and above 77 dollars

64 PAGES: The cost of 64 Pages is 137 dollars for all category of applicants.

It is IMPORTANT to note that if you applied for NIGERIA PASSPORT at any approved NIGERIA MISSION abroad and it was not issued before you travel to Nigeria, you cannot obtain another in Nigeria. The system will indicate double acquisition and your new payment forfeited.

It’s advisable you attach the printout issued to you at the point of acquisition along with your other valid travel documents and present it at the point of entry/exit in the country.

The printout is acceptable pending the issuance of your passport.

Furthermore, the validity of a Standard NIGERIA Passport is 5 years.

Please note You cannot reissue your PASSPORT until 6 months before the expiration date OR. you used all the available pages.

(The  debate is still ongoing very slow at Nigeria National Assembly  to revert to the normal 10 years lifespan, which is the standard international practice.)

Note: The COST of REISSUE of Standard Nigeria passport is the same as the price of a new international passport.


It important to inform a would be applicants for Nigeria international passport that according to the recent report in the Vanguard online paper, The Federal Government has said that any applicant for Nigeria international passport must have identification number from the National Identification Management Commission, NIMC, from January 1st, 2018.

Furthermore, anyone that intends to apply for the renewal of his or her passport or want to obtain a new one who is residing abroad must endeavour to obtain an identification number from NIMC (if it is available where he intended to process the passport) otherwise he will be denied issuance of the passport.

The report stated that The Comptroller General of Nigeria Immigration Service, Mohammed Babadede disclosed this recently after a meeting with the database harmonization committee in Abuja, explained that the reason behind the new policy was for ease of business in the country.


  1. It is always very difficult for an individual applicant to pay and process the passport payment online, without fear of payment hanging which make the use of a third-party imperative.
  2. Most Passport offices across the Federation relies 95% on generating set for day-to-day operation thereby encouraging extra charges which applicants may not be comfortable with.
  3. Passport offices are spreads all over the Federation performing similar functions, but most applicants want to stay in their comfort zone, lazy to search for low traffic area, thereby allows some area to be congested and encourages malpractices.
  4. Passport in many countries of the world has ten years live span but due to commercial interests and shortsightedness, the power in Nigeria a few years ago made it five years selfishly
  5. Despite the fact that the production system is highly sophisticated, it is possible to obtain a Nigeria passport within one day in some passport offices across the country, which is uncommon even in the so-called advanced countries.
  6. To eliminate fraud, payment of cash is not acceptable, all payments are done online.
  7. Formerly expatriate Nigerians used to travel home to obtain a passport, nowadays important Nigeria foreign missions have the capability to produce passports, especially reissue.
  8. Nigeria international passport is the only instrument anyone calming to be a Nigerian,  coming from another country can use to enter, even if you have popular tribal marks it wouldn’t guarantee you entry except Nigeria passport.
  9. Formerly a minor of five years and below used to have their names inserted in their mother’s passport, nowadays they are entitled to a passport with reduced payment.
  10. No immigration officer has the power to deny entry to anyone that produces Nigeria passport at a border post. That’s against the law because no other country will accept the person.
  11. Nigeria is one of the first African countries to introduce an electronic passport.
  12. It is not possible for an individual to obtain two Nigeria e-passport if you start a process in London and you travelled home without waiting for it to be produced and apply for another one here. The system will automatically indicate a double acquisition.
  13. Presently, passport booklets are not produced in the country, thereby creating scarcity sometimes.
  14. Because the e-passport is biometric and you have chips inside, if you place heavy objects on top for long, you will automatically damage it and you may not be able to use it in future.
  15. With the introduction of the electronic passport, no Passport Control Officer append signature, thereby eliminated time wastage and duplication of signatures.
  16. Any Nigeria Citizen of 65 years and above applying for a fresh passport is allowed to pay less than a normal adult.
  17. Under normal circumstances every applicant must appear for acquisition, Nigeria electronic passport cannot be obtained by the proxy. A person on sick-bed or live-support  is expected to be carried to the passport office for acquisition, no exception.
  18. No Nigeria passport office open on weekends, Their opening days are Monday to Friday.


TO avoid future complications, never allows another person (a third party) to process your passport for you. When you want to obtain a new passport it is advisable to go direct to the officer in charge, instead of approaching a tout who is always ready to do anything.

When you are processing reissue do not forget to take along your present passport.

Whenever they acquired your image do not be in a hurry not to ask for the white paper,  which you will use to collect the passport.

Make sure the officer issue the passport out to you personally to avoid future complications. Be sure you thumb print out whenever you’re collecting your passport.

Furthermore, never wait until you are about to travel before you process your passport to avoid the issue of no booklets.

Finally, always remember that the passport issued to you remains Nigeria Government’s property, therefore handle it with care.

Hope we are able to provide answers to your questions on how Much Is International Passport In Nigeria 2022, if you have any further questions, get across to me through this website.


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