Travel to Saudi Arabia from Nigeria step by step guide is focusing on telling anyone interested in travelling to one of the most important Arab countries how to make a successful trip and to analyze that travelling to Saudi Arabia is not only for holy pilgrimage, that you can do so much more and enjoy your Saudi trip.

Individual travel to Saudi Arabia for divergent of reasons much more than holy pilgrimage:

1. Holy pilgrimage
2. Study and research
3. Trading
4. Business Reasons
5. Touring and Holiday
6. Relocation
7. Employment purposes

The first and the most important reason why people travel to Saudi Arabia is the fulfilment of the fifth pillar of Islam, hence to perform Hajj which any able body Muslim that has the means should endeavour to accomplish at least once in a lifetime.

Over a long time, students and scholars in Arabic and Islamic theology always look up to Saudi Arabia as the home of learning. It’s a country they usually aspire to be for studies and continuous research. The best in the Arab world. Saudi Arabia represents the pick of Islamic studies and research.
Nowadays, Saudi Arabia is not only a centre for Islamic learning but it has evolved into the centre of advanced learning in technological innovations and learning.

In the recent past, many African traders travel to Saudi Arabia especially Jeddah, the city of Medina and to some extent Mecca the holy city for buying various types of clothes and clothing materials, household materials, Pieces of jewellery and other luxurious items on daily basis.
Traders mainly from northern Nigeria does travel to Saudi Arabia oftentimes to sell goods.

Saudi Arabia is fast assuming the centre of business meetings and connections. Foreign businessmen are going to Saudi Arabia purposely for conferences and events. Nigerian businessmen have joined the race. Nigerian business people are travelling to Riyadh and Jeddah, not for sightseeing but important business meetings.

When next you’re in Saudi Arabia as a Muslim, don’t be surprised that people of other faith are travelling there for tourism purposes and sightseeing the wonders of the holy site that are not available somewhere else.

Been a place adjudged to be safe, and important because it housed the two holy sites some senior Muslim citizens are choosing Saudi Arabia to spend the later part of their years in retirement and importantly for permanent relocation.

The big one. From the time in memorials, Saudi Arabia is a preferred destination for many health care professionals. The city of Jeddah is popular with medical doctors and nurses interested in jobs abroad and relocation. However, things are changing quickly nowadays unscrupulous agents and wicked Saudi Arabia citizens has turned the area into a poisonous no go area for job seekers due to their sharp practice, abnormal and ungodly behaviour. Especially for low-level workers. Saudi Arabia jobs are something you have to think twice before accepting. It’s a very sad development.


The only realistic and fast way to travel to Saudi Arabia from Nigeria is by flight. However, some adventurous people usually going on a holy pilgrimage to Saudi Arabia by road. All it takes is to set out in group three months before the commencement of Hajj each year. Starting mainly from Kano, Nigeria – Maradi, Niger or N’Djamena, Chad – Sudan and Egypt routes not unmindful of the hazards associated with desert travel, they usually get there a few days before the Hajj.
The modern days’ road travellers use personal cars to get to Saudi Arabia. The choice is yours.

The modern way of getting to Saudi Arabia is by flight and we have various Airlines operating flights to Saudi Arabia on a daily basis.

Ethiopian Airlines, Egyptair, Badr Airlines and Taco operates flights from Kano to Jeddah.

Some Airlines that operates flights from Lagos to Medina or Jeddah are as follows: Emirates, Ethiopian, Royal Air Maroc, Egyptair, Etihad, British Airways, Turkish and Lufthansa, have daily flights to Jeddah.

Currently, Egyptair offers the cheapest price between USD711AND and USD994.

Regardless of your choice of travel, be it touring, holidaying, researching, business, trading, visiting, medical or pilgrimage you require a visa to enter the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

The majority of travellers to Saudi Arabia rely solely on Agents to obtain the Kingdom’s visa whereas an individual can process and obtain the visa personally if it’s a short stay visa such as Visiting visa, Business visa etc.

If you want to process a Student visa or Work visa you have to rely on one of the accredited Agents in Nigeria. Realistically an individual cannot do it on his/her own.

This is how to go about the visiting and business visas:

1. Obtain a Saudi Arabia visa application form
2. Carefully complete the form and append your signature.
Attach the following documents:
1. Your International passport with at least six months validity and two unused visa pages.
2. Photocopy of the data page of your passport.

3. Two recently acquired passport sized photographs with white background.
4. Photocopies of all the previous visas in your passport (if any)
5. Evidence of travel medical insurance with reasonable coverage.
6. Evidence of flight booking indicating the airline, departure and arrival dates and the dates of your departure from Saudi Arabia.
7. Evidence of accommodation reservation
8. An original letter stating your reasons for travel to Saudi Arabia from Nigeria and possibly your itinerary.
9. Evidence of basic travelling allowance sufficient to cover your entire stay in the holy land.
10. If you’re on the invitation, proof of an original letter from the person or organisation inviting you.
11. A business person on invitation should provide proof of previous trade relations with the organisation in Saudi Arabia.
12. If you’re an employee, an official letter duly authorised by your employer authorising you to travel to Saudi Arabia.
13. Your bank account statement for the last six months is duly endorsed by the Bank.

After the compilations and collation of all the required documents, you’re to submit them personally at the Saudi Arabia embassy in your jurisdiction.

Please note this at the point of submission:
1. Pay the visa application processing fee as prescribed by the Embassy.
2. Enquire about biometric fingerprint scans (if any)
3. Submit your completed application well ahead of your travel to allow the embassy to process it.
3. Ask for the date to collect your visa or if you require an interview.

After all the explanations and you believed you cannot process the visa on your own, better join the crowd by relying on an agent to do it for you. That’s what is common with a Saudi Arabia visa.

If your intention is to study or work in Saudi Arabia, you must obtain an offer of admission from a College or University or an offer of employment respectively before processing a visa.

Please note that you cannot process them personally without the knowledge and involvement of a Saudi Arabia accredited Agent in Nigeria.


Regardless of the type of visa issued to you please note the following points before embarking on a Saudi trip:
1. Be aware that you’re travelling to a country that housed the two holiest sites in the Islamic world. Islam is their way of life, therefore respect and abide by their system, if you want to live successfully in Saudi Arabia.
2. If you deal in alcohol or prohibited drugs don’t go because the outcome is death. Be informed that we told you.
3. Women should dress decently, any form of indecency is not allowed.
4. If you’re living in most of their towns and cities especially Mecca and Medina, when there is a call to prayers, drop whatever you are doing and join the prayer especially if you’re outside, otherwise go inside.
5. If you’re one of those young people going to Saudi Arabia for a low-grade job, please note that getting your visa is not enough but knowing the employer you intend to stay and work with is key to your survival in Saudi Arabia.
6. Know how to conduct yourself, be ready to work very hard without complaint and do not steal if you want to come back to your country safely.
7. Very important, If the visa issued to you is written in a language you don’t understand ensure you get someone with a sound knowledge of the language to interpret it to you otherwise you may end up with a visa that is not renewable which may transform you into illegal immigrant after just a month staying in Saudi Arabia.  Some wicked employers and Agents are very good at making young people permanent slaves in Arab countries.
8. Finally, never rush into travelling to Saudi Arabia without adequate knowledge of the current happening in the country.

On your day of departure, please note the following points:
1. Arrive early at the airport prior to the commencement of check-in procedures of the Airline.
2. Avoid sidetalk, be on queue and wait for your turn to be attended to.
3. Immediately you complete checking in your luggage and you obtain the boarding pass, move straight to the Immigration departure counters.
4. Please note if you’re late to join the queue at the immigration departure counters and the Airport Authority security zone, definitely be expecting long queues which sometimes may lead to missing your flight.
5. The downside of missing a flight is not only psychological but it will definitely entail extra charges by the Airline and the Airport Authority. No exception.


When you disembark in Saudi Arabia please note the following before facing the immigration control officer.
1. Ensure you travel light: If you’re a first-time traveller or on a short visit ensure you do not come with large luggage. Any big suitcases could send the wrong signal that you have other mission or you come to stay permanently, this could easily lead to refusal of entry.
2. Be sure your passport, return ticket, health certificate, basic travelling allowance etc are in your hand luggage to avoid delay and confusion at the immigration control area.

3. Do not carry anything for anyone no matter the condition.
4. Do not make friends with strangers until you leave the arrival hall.

After the Immigration and Customs clearances be careful of the type of vehicle you use from the Airport. Avoid Airport taxis and charter Caps, some of them are highly exploitative and dishonest. Go for public transport such as buses. Airport Shuttle buses may be a better alternative.

Unless you do your research very well cheap hotels are very difficult to find. Unlike in most other climes where you get Youth Hostels they’re not common here.
If you’re on a budget and you did not have pre-arranged accommodation better contact the professionals in accommodation searching. They will definitely assist you.
If you are a pilgrim with good health never surrender to any Agent cajoling you with hotels close to the Holy Mosque. You don’t need a hotel close to the Mosque. Search for a hotel far from the Holy Mosque because the nearer the Hotel the more expensive it is. You have your legs to trek to the Mosque daily. It is healthy to trek. You don’t have any other work to do than attend daily prayers, therefore, what’s the usefulness of a Hotel close to the Holy Mosque. They are for lazy rich people,  nothing else.  All you need is to set out early every day for the trip to the Holy Mosque and return at your discretion. As an added on, exploring the great city of Mecca is not only exciting but for many, a once in a lifetime adventure, therefore enjoy it when you are inside.

Avoid taking a taxi alone in Saudi Arabia, some thieves do disguise themselves as commercial taxi drivers to rob visitors. Do not say I did not warn you.

Eating out is never a problem for Nigerians in any of the Saudi Arabia cities in that Nigeria food are available everywhere you go. Nigerians especially the women from northern Nigeria are selling food in most of Saudi Arabia big cities you can easily find your choice at affordable prices. However, if you prefer Saudi cuisine get ready to pay more.

Saudi Riyal is the national currency of Saudi Arabia. It’s popularly called SR. The SR is pegged to the United States Dollar at about 3.75SR.
Also, SR is equalled 96.00 to Nigeria Naira.

Without connecting the weatherman using my personal experience in Saudi Arabia 3 years ago. I can tell you authoritatively that Saudi Arabia’s weather is extremely hot most of the time. Going out after 11.00 a.m. is dangerous between April and September. The best weather in Saudi is from October to March.


Currently, it is not advisable for any young person from Nigeria to travel to Saudi Arabia for the sole aim of searching for a job or securing any kind of employment.  Saudi Arabia is assuming the status of a dangerous place to live and work for Africans.  The ways the people and their government officials are treating Africans is inhuman. Please avoid the place in your own interest.

Even though the country is a host for the two Islamic holiest sites, the news coming from the country is highly discouraging, racial and discriminatory. The current administration is simply wicked and sadistic.

That’s all I can tell you for now on Travel to Saudi Arabia from Nigeria step by step guide.


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