Here we are analysing some countries where you can study at a low cost in order to achieve your goals without compromising the quality of education. Many ambitious people who have the sound idea and interest in pursuing the right education that may change their future for the better are weakened by lack of resources and looking for a scholarship to pursue education oftentimes looking like a wide goose chasing.


Please bear in mind that choosing any of these countries may come with a sacrifice, which may come in form of setting aside time to study the language of your host country.


The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia ranks very high when considering countries where you can study at a low cost. When you put together all the parameters that are made up of a low-cost country you can study, Saudi Arabia must be at the edge in that majority of their top Universities are operating genuinely tuition-free education.

Furthermore, there are various scholarships available to international students to assist an international student in his day-to-day living,  Likewise, it is possible and not too difficult to get part-time jobs to assist you along the way.

In the past majority of studies that took students to the Kingdom of  Saudi Arabia are Islamic education, especially advanced theological progressions. However, things are changing quickly in Saudi Arabia, the country is developing and advancing very fast and the Universities are expanding their scopes and students are now studying various aspects of science and technology. Moreover, the system of education in the Kingdom is tailored according to the United States of America system of education with meaningful curricula. Here you study with world-class facilities and amazingly at a low cost.

These are the Universities where you can get tuition-free and some with scholarships to top it up:

1. King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, one of the best in the world. You can study Medicine, Applied Medical Science, Nursing, Pharmacy,  Engineering, Law, Economics and Administration etc.

2. King Saud University.

3. King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals

4. King Abdullah University of Science and Technology

5. Umm Al-Qura University


Going to school in Belgium is a worthwhile and wonderful undertaking anytime because living in Brussels and other Belgian cities present you with unquantifiable opportunities after your studies. If you’re able to scale the hurdle of mastering their languages, one of which is Flemish you’d never like to leave.

Realistically,  Belgium is an advanced country by all standards, amazingly, the country is a place where an international student can stay and manage to live at a low cost because Belgium is a diverse society. You have a choice of moving to an area where the cost is lower.

When considering studying in Belgium choose a University that offers lectures in one of their languages and you’re guaranteed low-cost tuition fees. With an average tuition fee of about EUR1,800, you can conveniently get a University to attend.

Some of the higher institutions you can select are as follows:

Vrije Universiteit Brussels,

Universite Libre de Brussels,

The Catholic University,  Leuven

Living and studying in Belgium you have no problem with transportation to and from your school because you have various choices of transportation, all of them are a pleasure to ride.

The biggest advantage of studying in Belgium is perhaps, your ability to stay after study and get a well-paid job in an immigrant-friendly society.

In the 1980s, when you’re in Belgium you have to avoid speaking English because most Belgian will not answer you because politically they have disdained for English speaking.


When you choose Germany to study you are guaranteed of a country that offers you opportunities to study at a low cost in most of their universities.

Secondly, you get paid while you’re studying German for beginners

Furthermore, when you graduated with a bachelor degree in a course relevant to German needs you’re sure of employment with good pay in a record time.

Currently, the German economy requires well-qualified professionals in various areas and anyone who studied in the country stands a better chance of securing a job quickly.

These are some of the Universities you can apply to and study at a low cost:

The Free University of Berlin

Humboldt University,  Berlin

Technical University, Berlin

Ludwig Maximilian University,  Munich


Norway a Northern European country is a well-known country for anyone searching for a truly low-cost University education to study in Europe.  Norway is a country with genuine free tuition fees. There is no discrimination between a citizen and an international student in the payment of school fees. Everyone enjoys tuition-free.

For any international student who can cope with the weather, the benefits you get are numerous:

1. You enjoy free tuition fees while studying in an ideal environment. The quality of education is high and it enjoys worldwide recognition.

2. Accommodation and general living conditions are affordable to international students.

2. There is the possibility of study to stay because the Norwegian authorities allow international students to use the unlimited period to search for employment and if you succeed there is a system in place to issue you a residence permit.

3. Norway is not a member of the European Union but your student visa can take you to all Schengen areas throughout your stay in Norway. It is a country we can recommend without hesitation.


This small country in Western Europe is a country of many parts, all of them interestingly is a positive development in a life of an international student.

1. Luxembourg is an advanced economy with a well run economy but amazingly low-cost tuition fees for any international student that can study in their Universities.

2. A country where you can stay and work after studies and you have the possibility of getting a well-paid job.

3. If you can take the pain and study Nursing or any other related healthcare courses which are in great demand currently in Luxembourg, you are guaranteed a well-paid job. According to many healthcare professionals, Luxembourg paid the highest salaries to Nurses in the world currently.

Despite being an advanced economy Luxembourg presents international students with low-cost tuition and living, depending on the areas you choose to study and stay in the country.

The University of Luxembourg is by far the only University we can recommend here when it comes to an institution you can study at a low cost. The tuition fee is about EUR800 per academic year.


While studying at an American university In Greece between 1977 and 1980 I used to travel to many nearby countries such as Italy, Austria and Isreal to do short term work especially in the summer months, to enable me to pay for my school fees.

In Italy, amazingly I discovered through an Australian friend I met in a Youth Hostel, that with a token I can eat at the University of Rome cafeteria to my satisfaction without touching a significant amount from the money I came to work for. He took me there and the place became my second most popular destination after my place of work in Perugia

To date, if you can study in Italian, some Universities are amazingly offering low-cost tuition fees and I believed subsidies in their Universities cafeterias as we used to have it in the 1980s is still in operation.

While getting a job in Italy may be difficult,  if you can study in Italian you will experience one of the lower-cost countries to study in Europe.

The reason is simple, Italy is a large and diverse society,  you have choices of living in rural settings and studying in an urban University because the transportation system is so good and fast that you get to any part of the country in a twinkle of an eye. For example, the city of Milan is about a thousand miles from Rome but you can get to Milan from Rome within an hour.

These are some of the Universities you can apply to study:

University  of Rome

University of Bologna

University of Milan


The Czech Republic a country situated in Eastern Europe rapidly advancing and the country is assuming a preferred destination for international students from all over the world because tuition fees are free and the general cost of living is generally lower than what is obtained in most Western European countries.

For anyone who can study in Czech which is the official language of the Czech Republic, be assured that you will not pay tuition fees, however, if you choose to attend private institutions due to language difficulty be expected to pay through your nose.

Furthermore if you cannot speak Czech be ready to pay a EUR1,000 fee for receiving courses in English.

These are some of the Universities in the Czech Republic

The University of Ostrava

Czech Technical University

Czech University of Life Sciences,  Prague

The Technical University of Ostrava

University of West Bohemia


Spain the South Western European country is a country where you can study at a low cost provided you’re ready to study in Spanish.

University education in Spain is not completely free but Spain offers you one of the lowest tuition fees in Europe. Tuition fees for a University first degree programme are between EUR750 to EUR2,500 per academic year.

Study in Spain affords the person opportunities to study in a friendly and clean environment. The standard of living is high while international students can live and get part-time jobs to argument their education. The living cost is lower depending on your area of residence.

Besides the opportunity of studying in a low-cost country Spain present you with the possibility of study to stay approach after your studies.

While in Spain you will realise that young and old citizens of other European countries especially the British are relocating to Spain due to the fact that Spain is accommodating and life is good for them than where they are coming from.

These are some of the Universities you can select:

University of Granada

University of Alicante

Universidad Complutense Madrid

Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona

Universidad de Alcala

That’s all for now on Countries where you can study at a low cost.


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