10 Easiest Schengen Visa you can get in Nigeria

Research on the 10 easiest Schengen Visa you can get in Nigeria clearly shows that those with a higher percentage of success are the Schengen country with a lower percentage of population and traveller’s demand. These are European Union members that are small in population and mostly non-English speaking countries.

The beauty of a Schengen Visa is its ability to enable its holders to travel to other Schengen areas. The only thing you must take into consideration is that it is mandatory to commence your trip from the country where you obtained your Schengen visa. If you go against this simple logic and you land in another country because you have a Schengen Visa, do not be surprised if they turn you back.



Lithuania a Northeastern European country is a coaster Baltic State and the largest of the three Baltic states. An exciting country to commence your European tour especially in the summertime.

For anyone looking for the easiest Schengen visa to get in Nigeria, you don’t need to search further because Lithuania presents you with a Schengen visa that has 98.7 per cent of application success rates. Applying for a Lithuanian Schengen visa you’re rest assured that the authorities usually granted a larger percentage of applications received. On average it is only 1.3 per cent unsuccessful of applications received.

Although,  bigger countries received more applications their success rates are far below Lithuanian. To cap it all, when you apply for a Lithuanian Visa you don’t require a long appointment booking, unlike some countries where you have to wait for several months before reaching your turn.


Estonia, the beautiful, fascinating and fast developing Information Technology oriented country located in the Baltic region is the next country when you’re considering the easiest Schengen visa to get in Nigeria. Applying for a Schengen at the Estonian embassy, you’re sure of getting it because statistically 98.4 per cent of applications received are successful with only 1.6 per cent are unsuccessful.

It is heartwarming that if you commence your European tour from Estonia you will surely want to visit again because Estonia presents you not only a country that is quickly advancing but where consumable goods are cheaper.  A country where transportation systems are easily accessible and security is excellent.

Living and working in Estonia is enjoyable because it is one of the few countries you can choose to work at home. After all, large numbers of businesses are internet-based.


Finland is an industrialised and well-developed country with a flourishing economy and democracy.  Finland is governed by God-fearing leaders for a long time. A democratic system is worth emulation. It is surprising that even though Finland is a preferred Tourist destination and getting a large number of Schengen visa applications yearly still having 98.3 per cent successful application rates with only 1.7 per cent unsuccessful.

For anyone especially those interested in working in a European country where you can get a job with good pay with a minimal search,  look no further because Finland is currently looking for serious minded people who can be fitted into their well run industrial and services needs.

If you can invest your resources to study in Finland and use our famous study to stay approach. You may visit facts36.com/living-and-working-in-finland/ for further information.  Getting a job is not difficult as some people may believe.


An island country with the Capital at Reykjavik. Iceland is located in the North Atlantic Ocean practically a Scandinavian European country. Because of its remote location, it should not surprise anyone that Iceland is top-rated as a country with the easiest Schengen visa you can get in Nigeria.

Generally, short term visas application to Iceland have 98.3 per cent success rates with only 1.7 per cent unsuccessful.

From the perspective of African citizens travelling to Europe,  Iceland is not a popular destination,  only a few researchers or students can have an interest in travelling to Iceland. If you dare to try there are chances that your application will be given favourable consideration.



Latvia a North-eastern European country and member of the Baltic states with Capital at Riga is not a popular tourist destination to African due to divergent reasons such as language and lack of information about its development. It is heartwarming that due to fewer travellers heading to Riga, most applications received enjoy favourable consideration. Currently,  97.9 per cent of applications registered by Latvian authorities are successful while only 2.1 are unsuccessful,

Please note that Lavia shares borders with exciting countries such as Estonia, Lithuania  Belarus and Russia therefore it is easy to travel from Lavia to other Schengen areas with your Latvian Schengen visa.


Poland an Eastern European country that used to be the Headquarters of the Warsaw pacts is gradually becoming a preferred destination for young people seeking to further their studies and relocate thereafter. To these set of young people and tourists in general life in Poland is good.

Living and working in Poland is enjoyable because immigrants are experiencing less racial discrimination unlike nearby countries such as Hungary and Montenegro. The transportation system is excellent and affordable. University education is less expensive compared with other advanced economies.

Despite the rush to Poland and high applications received yearly the success rate of visa applications to Poland stands at 97 per cent successful while only 3 per cent are unsuccessful.


Luxembourg is one of the smallest countries in the world located in Northwestern Europe.  It is a country Sandwiched by Belgium, France and Germany. An advanced country by all standards.  It is a known fact that most professionals prefer working in Luxembourg, especially qualified healthcare professionals, Registered Nurses in particular, because their take-home pay is the biggest, bigger than anywhere else in the world currently.

Due to its size, it can accommodate fewer visa applications,  however, it is good to know that the fewer applications coming in are enjoying favourable consideration that currently 96.3 per cent of applications registered are successful and only 3.7 per cent are unsuccessful.

For anyone interested in travelling to a small but exciting country where everything is working well. Where there is less racial discrimination. You will not be disappointed if you choose the Kingdom of Luxembourg.

When you’re in Luxembourg please realize that it is an advanced country, therefore, things may be expensive than most  European countries.


An Eastern European country formerly with Czechoslovakia is a member of the Schengen arrangement, therefore its visa is a Schengen Visa.

Although the volume of its visa applications in Nigeria is increasing, however, one cannot compare it to most Western European countries. If you choose to travel to Slovakia be rest assured that the chances that your visa application shall be given favourable consideration are very high. Statistically, visa applications to Slovakia are enjoying 95.8 per cent successful and only 4.2 per cent are unsuccessful.

Before you start to pack your luggage heading to Slovakia be informed that you may face some issues when you get there.

1. The rate of unemployment in Slovakia is relatively high and the citizens are checking out to other Schengen areas.

2. The issue of language is a big deal. Most citizens don’t understand English and those that understood will not speak,  therefore be ready to study their language if you want a successful stay in the country.

3. Finally, many people of the Eastern European countries are racists by their actions, when you’re there be ready to cope with their racial discrimination and behaviour.


An Eastern European country and also detached from former Czechoslovakia.  An advanced economy by all standards. Things are working well in the Czech Republic, and the country is making steady progress economically.

Visa applications to the Czech Republic is going up gradually, people are getting to know the country. For anyone interested in travelling to the Czech Republic if you get things right. That’s if you have all the requirements be rest assured that you will get their Visa.  The rate of applications received that are successful stands at 95.3 per cent while 4.7 per cent are unsuccessful.


Greece a Southern European country that depends heavily on tourism is not high in countries that issue Schengen visas. However, the success rates were statistically put at 95.1 per cent successful and 4.9 unsuccessful.

Despite their heavy reliance on tourism, due to their racial tendencies, Greece Schengen visa is not a favourite among Africans, especially there is nothing much to achieve except people who are interested in travelling to various Greek islands such as Crete, Rhodes, Hos, Santorini, Mythnos, Samos, Lesvos etcetera.


Please note that most of the statistics used here are based on issues before the sudden arrival of the coronavirus pandemic that came and change the way business is conducted in the European Union and the world generally.

Furthermore,  the issue of Brexit is a big deal in European travel things have changed in the UK and has effects in the Schengen area. It is no longer business as usual. Those countries that used to place unachievable requirements on their visa applications are relaxing,  therefore,  very soon many countries will soon join those 10 easiest Schengen visas you can get in Nigeria.

Be rest assured that as soon as news breaks and a country introduced or announced a favourable measure we at facts36.com shall keep you posted immediately.

That is all for now on the 10 easiest Schengen Visa you can get in Nigeria, for more information you may contact this website


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