In this write-up we shall intimates you with important tips on how to pass your Visa interview.

When going for visa interview or visa application submission, besides the facts that you should prepare very well, currently the most important point is to know exactly what the interviewer is looking for. What are the cogent points or reasons you can bring out to convince the visa officer that your application is for real? That’s why we are here to tell you important tips on how to pass your visa interview.

Please  note that what you think was important yesterday may not be relevant currently.
There are certain facts applicants used to duels on in the past that are no more very important in today’s circumstances, such as letters of invitation or travel history. You may have them but they are not set criteria or important requirements in securing your visa.


1. Although they may not state it to you directly, for most advanced countries such as the US, Canada or Germany due to overcrowded immigrants in their countries. What they are looking for is how you can proof or present a shred of convincing evidence that you’re returning to your home country or where you take off after the utilization of your visa.

2. You must demonstrate convincingly that you have resident in Nigeria,  that you will come home after you used your visa
3. Furthermore, Your interviewers want to know or you have to convince them that you have strong tie or attachments to your country that will enable you to return.

– What are the possible strong tie or attachments:
1. If you have family or family background.
2. Do you have parents?
3. What are the business undertaken of your parents (if any)
4. Are you married, dates and how many children (if any)
5. Proof of your parents or your landed properties that can make you want to come back.
6. Are you having gainful or permanent employment in your country
7. If you’re self-employed, what is the asset base of your company
8. How much is your monthly or annual salary?
9. For a self-employed how much is your turn over?
10. Who are your shareholders?
11. Your leave pass or letter from your employer.
12. What is the purpose of your travel?
13. Your Bank account statement for the past six months.
14. Your airline booking indicating your arrival and departure dates.
15. Proof of accommodation arrangement or hotel reservation.
16. Police clearance certificate.


This is what one embassy stated as refusal reason to deny an applicant visa very recently:
“I am not satisfied that you will leave our country at the end of your stay, as stipulated in subsection 216(1)of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations (IRPR) based on your family ties in our country and in your country of residence”


For applicants submitting documents:
1. Be simple and honest.
2. Do not present documents you cannot prove.
3. State all your educational or employment history in order of their attainments.
4. Your application form should be filled in details.
5. State your details as factual as possible. It must be your facts and not what someone else asked you to put down.
4. All your original documents must come with a set of photocopies.


For applicants going for an oral interview, the following tips should be taken seriously:
1. Dress responsibly: It is a fact, the way you dress say a lot about you. If you are a student put on simple wear and be neat. A business person should be on smart wear and businessman like.
2. Be punctual: It is advisable that you arrived before the time, arriving late for an interview is a sign of lack of seriousness, because you may not be able to organise yourself.
3. Smile: Start your proceedings with a smile. Greeting by saying ‘good morning’, It takes nothing away from you, even if there is no answer.
3. Be confident: Be yourself, remember you’re on a voluntary interview. Nobody,  but you are looking for the visa, hence, nobody is forcing you.
5. Do not be nervous,  remember you are not in a police station or immigration border post.
4. Be factual: State only the facts. Be simple and do not try to impress the interviewer it may backfire.
5. Ask questions: If a question is put to you and you did not understand it, don’t be afraid to ask your interviewer to repeat. Make it your show.  After all, you paid for the service and it is his duty to serve you.
6. Do not rush to answer. Most of the questions are an intelligent one. Try as much as possible to answer intelligently.
7. Be polite: If you’re provoked one way or the other keep your cool, do not argue or be insulting. Give a straight forward answer.
8. Do not dress to kill. Your body odour, the perfume you sprays excessively to impress may put off your host and work against you because offensive odour may be irritating and want him to get you out of his sight quickly.

9. Mind your statements. Remember all your statements are recorded.  What you said today may be used against you in future, therefore states only what you can defend in future.

10. Never submit a document you cannot proof, remember it may not only work against you but land you in a serious criminal offence.



When people are migrating to a place where they are not really welcome, and supply is far higher than demand, the competition becomes stiff and tough. If you’re preparing to travel to a place like the USA, Canada or Germany you have to prepare extra hard, going to those above-mentioned places is becoming a nightmare because of too much focus on these few countries and Refugees migrating every hour and it is now a survival of the most well prepared, hence our reasons for the above important tips on how to pass your visa interview.

That’s all for now on important tips on how to pass your Visa interview.

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