Here we present to you comprehensively and up to date Nigeria Correctional Service Salary structure, including rank and salaries for the benefits of those young men and women who are interested in enlisting in the Service but are in doubt simply because they are oblivious of the current Salary prevailing in Nigeria Correctional Service nationwide.

Here we begin as follows:

1. Prison Assistant (PAI) starting from #296,506 to #374,259 (level 3 – 5)

2. Inspector of Prison (IP) starting from #357,385 to #411,454 (level 6)

3. Senior Inspector of Prison (SIP) starting from #483,014 to #567,065 (level 7)

4. Assistant Superintendent of Prison (ASPII) starting from #858,956 to #986,991 (level 8)

5. Assistant Superintendent of Prison (ASPI) starting from #939,310 to #1,056,416 (level 9)

6. Deputy Superintendent of Prison (DSP) starting from #1,012,562 to #1,143,539 (level 10)

7. Superintendent of Prison (SP) starting from #1,094,027 to #1,252,038 (level 11)

8. Chief Superintendent of Prison (CSP) starting from #1,158,172 to #1,325,234 (level 12)

9. Assistant Comptroller of Prison (ACP) starting from #1,225,584 to #1,405,449 (level 13)

10. Deputy Comptroller of Prison (DCP) starting from #1,619,447 to #1,825,589 (level 14)

11. Comptroller of Prison (CP) starting from #1,759,921 to #1,966,281 (level 15)

12. Assistant Comptroller General of Prison (ACGP) starting from #2,272,288 to #2,464,560 (level 16)

13. Deputy Comptroller General of Prison (DCGP) Consolidated

14. Comptroller General of Prison (CGP)


Please note that the Salary presented here are devoid of allowances such as transport, shift duty, guard duties, uniform, hazards etc.

Furthermore, it is important to note that the Salary scale of the Nigeria Correctional Service cannot be set in isolation, therefore it is the function of the Consolidated Paramilitary Salary Structure (CONPASS) under the supervision of the Ministry of Interior.

The rank structure is divided into two, hence we have an inspectorate Cadre starting from level 5 – 7, and Officer’s Cadre commencing from level 8 and above.

For anyone who enters the Nigeria Correctional Service with a certificate lower than a university degree or equivalent, the person is automatically placed on an inspectorate Cadre.

Please note that there are some works or functions that are strictly performed by professionally qualified trade men or women that don’t require a university degree such as drivers, technicians or cleaners. These are the inspectorate Cadre. The Service cannot do without them, realistically you don’t need a university degree to operate effectively. Please note that, if you choose to enter the Service through the Inspectorate Cadre, no matter your qualifications, do not expect automatic upgrading to the Officer’s Cadre. They are distinctively separated. The functions may be similar but the duties or responsibilities are different or clear-cut.

Likewise, anyone that joins the Service with a university degree or equivalent on-demand is placed on Officer’s Cadre, which is level 8 and above.

Furthermore, there are some highly qualified professionals whose services are needed by the Nigeria Correctional Service to carry out specialised functions. Such as pilots, technicians, Medical doctors and Nurses. If you engage them and place them on minimum wages, they will not be interested, therefore, such professional’s remuneration is strictly set by an organisation in the Ministry of Interior called CDCFIB. They wear the same uniform and go through the same Officer’s training in various areas, however, their starting Salary is above the normal person entering as a University graduate.

In the Nigerian Correctional Service, there is nothing like men and women all the gender are the same, if you enter as a woman be ready to go through the same training and wear the same uniform.


Here you have it, the full Correctional service Salary Structure and ranks, for anyone interested in enlisting in and work with the Nigerian Correctional service, bear in mind from the onset that you’re entering a noble and enduring Service.

Please note that anyone with the notion of ‘made it quick’ should better search for a job elsewhere. Likewise, anyone who does not know how to handle delicate human beings, who is not patient and have human feelings should not join the Nigeria Correctional Service.

From the onset, you should know that you have to interact or deal with people whose rights were taken away by law. Knowing fully well that every human being desire to be free, therefore you should handle them with care. Using excessive force, unnecessary friendships or being a corrupt person may lead to losing your job unexpectedly.

Finally, you must be of sound mind, be smart in handling weapons and be vigilant on-duty or off-duty. That’s my message to you. Good luck.

That’s all for now on Nigeria Correctional Service Salary Structure


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