This write-up – how to work abroad without a work permit – the topic was suggested to me by my next house neighbour,  initially, I was sceptical, however, I took it up and this is what I came up with it, for your delight.

Here  is How To Work Abroad Without Work Permit


You don’t need a work permit to go into network marketing because it’s a universal system of distributing and selling movable items or products.

You may want to know what is network marketing? With reference to Network marketing is defined as follows: A distribution model in which sales reps are compensated for sales they generate, and also for sales made by reps they recruit, creating a downline of distributors and multiple levels of compensation based on group sales volumes.

All you need to do is to have a passion for a particular product and find a way of introducing it through fliers or pamphlets to an interested person on arrival in a country, regardless of having the product with you when on a publicity tour. As you get interested buyers, you order or send the product from your base. The more the locals you were able to bring in, the more your downlines increases. This will definitely enable you to establish a base in that country.

Network marketing remains one of the smartest ways a hardworking person can make money anywhere legally, without a work permit.

Try it. If you’re in doubt feel free to contact this site to link you up with experts in network marketing, on ways network marketing functions in lifting people up.



It is common nowadays to see some smart guys researching exportable items from a particular country and sent it by cargo plane. While enjoying your holiday you can employ the local clearing agents to do the work of getting the goods clear for you. Distribute it within a short time and continue your visit. Very many top executives from all over the world especially Indians, Chinese, Lebanese, and other Asians are using visiting and business visas to come for serious business meetings, distributions of various imported products, serving all segments of developing nation’s trade and business environment, using their hotel and friends accommodations as offices, come and go within the validity of their visas.


There is no law that says when you arrived at a place like Brussels, Amsterdam, Antwerp,  Rotherham, or Frankfurt you cannot attend their car market or engage in buying different types of vehicles and send them home. Or you arrived in Barcelona, Zurich, Rome or Milan and you should not go for fashionable items that sell very fast in your country. So, when next you are in Europe don’t just admire their modern structures or vehicles and electronics, ask for their used car market and spare parts, buy and send them home, buyers are waiting for you right from the seaport. Be careful not to send those items to your neighbouring countries’ seaports they may be classified as smuggled items. Please take note.



Right from the time you step inside the plane you can start serious writing instead of playing a game. Writing can fetch good money if you know where to focus your efforts. A site such as and are platforms that bring freelancers with companies and people who need their services. Likewise,  you can connect with a blogger before living in your country of residence or in another country and be his/her writer and start to make money.


Coming from a country where English is the official language gives you an advantage. English has become a universal business language and it is possible to find people who want to learn how to read and write English in many countries of the world. You teach, they pay. You can provide these services within the duration of your visa validity, when your visa  or free entry is about to expire,  exit the country and return with a brand new visa and resume your teaching. Very simple.

  • #6. PICK FRUITS 

Drop your bag, get out of the downtown, and go to the farm settlement start picking fruits. Fruits picking is possible in some countries such as Israel where they operate a system called Kebut  (in the 80s) and in Australia. When we were studying in Europe in the late 70s we used to travel to Israel just to pick fruits. The more you pick the more they pay you. What are you waiting for, when next you’re in Isreal don’t just concentrate on those ancient religious sites such as Al Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem or Bethlehem the birthplace of Jesus ask for Kebut and pick fruits for fun and make money in the process.

Short period or seasonal agriculture works is now in vogue or available in many European countries nowadays due to the coronavirus pandemic ravaging most Western European countries. They’re seriously experiencing shortages of manpower,  therefore all you need to do is to search countries such as the UK, The Netherlands,  Italy,  Belgium, Luxembourg,  Switzerland etc. you’re sure of getting a place currently.



If you are an expert in a certain area or skill that is well sought after, such as Conflicts Resolutions or Gerontology which is the ability to take care of the aged or the comprehensive study of aging and the problems of the aged. These are jobs you can do on temporary period. Go online and study where you can be of help, and get paid.


If you have the technical knowledge of how to organize events,  you can do it when you are overseas without formal employment.  I’ve seen Event organizers coming to Nigeria from the UK delivering lectures or involved in events organization, stay for a few days, and returned to base. This is an area where Immigration Officers cannot prevent you because you have not violated any law.

  • 9. VLOGGING 

Finally, you can set up Vlogging, whereby you move from one point to another in your daily routine, explore the town or city, video activities that interest you, post them on youtube, in different forms and titles, before you know it, you’re in the money. As long as you don’t slips into restricted areas,  move downtown and have fun in vedio or photographs and post them on the internet as you go. You’re on your way to success. Go for it.


These are some of what you can do abroad without a work permit. If you focus your mind to achieve something or making more money while you travel you can do it without any hindrance.

For more information on how you can work abroad without a work permit fill free to contact this website


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