5 Friendly Northern European Countries You Can Visit

If you prefer to go to Northern Europe for your next European visit the following countries – Sweden, Norway, Finland, Estonia, and Iceland are our choice in the selection of 5 Friendly Northern European countries you can visit after the pandemic. Try any of them I’m sure you will not be disappointed.

Sometimes in January 2020, a friend of mine called me seeking to know the best time to visit Finland, I gladly told him to schedule his trip for Spring. Little did I know that a month later the whole world will be battling a strange pandemic which is unprecedented and shocking that rendered travelling completely useless. Coronavirus pandemic suddenly struck and changed everything.

Despite the prevailing circumstances those who cherished travelling are eager to hit the road again when the coast is becoming clear. For anyone who desires to travel to Northern Europe, here are 5 Friendly Northern European countries you can visit after the pandemic.


By far the most famous Scandinavian country and a preferred destination for young and old for quite a long time. Sweden, a country that offers you a variety of activities is our first pick when choosing a friendly Northern European country you can visit after the pandemic. Swedish citizens are civilised people and it is not a remote country that is not used to seen strangers. It has been a friendly country for a long time and things remain the same as long as visitors respect themselves and do not engage in illegal activities.

Sweden remains the largest Scandinavian country and prides itself as a country with superb public service. Moving from one place to another is easy and enjoyable.

All the variables that may entice a visitor to want to come back are readily available in this highly developed country. Transportation systems of international standard with many options to choose from. Any mode of transportation you prefer to take will definitely land you at your destination at a record time.

In Sweden, your safety is a guarantee because this Scandinavian paradise enjoys low crime rates. The citizens are very friendly and civilised. Food and allied products are relatively affordable and there are various types of restaurants to choose especially if you’re on a budget and ready to mingle with the locals.

For anyone visiting Sweden from a tropical country, the ideal time to come to Sweden is between May and September for maximum utilization of your time, especially if you intend to explore the countryside.



Norway is another Scandinavian paradise that is undoubtedly a friendly country for you to visit after the pandemic. This Northern European country is a place that placed high premiums on human rights, visiting here you’re guaranteed an unparalleled amount of freedom of movement. You go about your daily interactions with peace of mind, knowing fully well that you’re in a country that is free from uncivilized and unnecessary hostility from misguided people which is common in some other clime especially in the Eastern European countries.

While in Norway you enjoy being in a country that has scored first in almost all human endeavour. Be it safety, clearness, transportation etc.

Travelling and interacting with people is not difficult in that most Norwegian citizens do understand and speak English.

When travelling to Norway be sure you go in your cardigan or heavy suits in that the country is cold most of the time. Furthermore, you should understand that you’re heading to an advanced country, therefore things are quite expensive. If you intend to stay for a short period, avoid eating in a restaurant. The option you have is to plan to prepare your own food. Preferably, get your food from local supermarkets.

For anyone coming from the tropic, it’s advisable you concentrate your visit to Southern Norway because it is an area that guarantees you favourable weather and a magnificent coastline. The best time to come to Norway for a short visit is better done around May and September.


Finland with the Capital at Helsinki is a Northern European country that adores the cold weather as a way of life, is a friendly country you can visit after the pandemic with peace of mind in that you have nothing to worry about, the citizens of Finland are not only friendly but accommodating in all facets of life. Frankly speaking, Finnish citizens are examples of what civilisation is all about. They’re the reference point.

The beauty of visiting Finland is that besides being a safe and clean country, Finland is adjudged to be a country where the authority and citizens have great respect for the belief and way of life of others. No visitors suffer humiliation or experience hostility from the inhabitants. As long as you’re a law-abiding person you can go about your daily activities without fear of molestation or hostility from any quarter.

Taken many yardsticks or statistics into consideration Finland is a country where life is good generally, is a place where visitors experiences true freedom, generosity and social support.

When you’re in Finland be ready to use Bikes to move around because the country’s Capital city Helsinki is going green and it is a pleasure going from street to street with a bike without the fear been run down by vehicles. Besides, the country is well planned and not overpopulated which connote an advantage.

Visiting Finland is a thing of joy most of the time. Public services are functioning very well and are affordable. The country is well planned and the political class are running the country with fear of God. When you are here, daily living is enjoyable and leaving is always difficult to decide.

The best time to visit Finland is springtime and summertime. As a person coming from the tropic, you’re advised strongly to go with cardigans or winter jackets anytime.



Estonia with the Capital at Tallinn may be small in terms of population but it is an amazing friendly country with a big heart. This country is enjoying rapid development that internet of thing is the system of getting things done in most establishments. The country is rapidly advancing that information technology IT is becoming more popular which enables many organizations and individuals to work from home.

Unfortunately, when talking of a friendly country you can visit after the pandemic Estonia cannot get high ratings due to the fact that as a small country and a former Soviet territory, racial tensions do exist in some areas.

Visiting the Estonian Capital Tallinn or big towns such as Tartu and Narva you may experience little or no hostility towards NON-EU citizens but such freedom cannot be guaranteed in remote areas.

The beauty of visiting Estonia especially for an IT person is that you can easily get engaged and start working from home.

The cost of living here is not cheap but you can manoeuvre your ways depending on your way of life. When you’re moving around avoid using the taxi caps. Your best option is the public buses, the local buses are the favourite of the locals and they are there for you.

For anyone on a budget visiting Estonia and intend to eat out, the best and the cheaper option is the cafeteria-style of dumpling restaurants. When you’re there, politely enquire how the system operates. Estonia is an advanced country rapidly growing,  moving around and speaking English is not very difficult because most Estonian citizens are heading towards Western Europe in their daily dealings.



Iceland with the Capital at Reykjavik is an island country in the North Atlantic Ocean, this well-planned country is close to Norway, Sweden, Greenland, Faroe Islands and the United Kingdom. Despite the remoteness of her location, we were highly impressed by most of the facts we came up with on Iceland studies. It is a country that has the highest respect for human rights. A country that placed higher premiums on gender equality. People here are very friendly and accommodating. It’s a friendly country you will love to visit again.

Visiting Iceland becomes easy for visitors from Africa because there is no language difficulty in that English is widely spoken and transportation systems are easily accessible and affordable for everyone.

If you desire to visit this beautiful but remote island country located in the Arctic and North Atlantic Ocean you may find it difficult to get a visa but if you secure one and you made it to the country you’re definitely in for a good time. You have no fear of insecurity and hostility from any quarter because Iceland prides itself on having one of the lowest crime rates in the world.



Nowadays you just don’t pick your passport and bag and decide to travel without research on the country you’re visiting, otherwise, you may end up in a hostile environment and turning back may be very costly. Therefore knowing where you’re heading to or having adequate knowledge of the place will definitely be of immense benefit for hassle-free travel. And that’s why we at facts36.com took the pain to research these five beautiful countries for your consideration.

That’s all for now on 5 friendly Northern European countries you can visit after the pandemic.


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