Sweden an industrialised country situated on the Scandinavian Peninsula in upper northern Europe is regarded as one of the most important Scandinavian countries where everything works, therefore, discussing living and working in Sweden as affected the non-EU citizens is our manifestation of this piece.

As a preamble, our focus remains on immigrants from developing countries outside the European Union who are interested in relocating to the Scandinavian country in search of a better and secure future for themselves and their wards.

These are the possible ways potential immigrants interested in relocating to Sweden can achieve their aim of living and work in Sweden.
1. SEEKING OUTRIGHT ASYLUM: This approach is increasingly popular due to the upsurge in various political and ethnic conflicts that bedevilled the world, such as wars in the Middle East and North Africa such as Iraq, Syria and Libya, snowballing into the unending fracas. Bad and corrupt rulers in the Middle East, Africa and South America most of which were encouraged, engineered, packaged and delivered by external devilish narrow-minded interest made people ran far away from their country of birth and forced them to seek refuge in a foreign country.

Furthermore, drought, famine, political persecutions and overpopulation are reasons why people seek visas as refugees nowadays and decide on permanent relocation to a place they considered safe, such as Sweden.

However, it’s important to study the procedure on how to become, seek and apply for a refugee visa before departing to Sweden in order not to become a public charge over there.

Going in as refugees are possible if the reasons are genuine therefore study the system and go for it.

You can seek the help of professionals online in your quest to enter Sweden as a refugee.


2. APPLY FOR WORK VISA: Honestly speaking, getting a work visa is increasingly difficult, however, if you have the skill or you’re an expert in some sought after professions, that is professions that Sweden is experiencing a shortage of manpower currently getting work visa may not be difficult. For example, if you’re an IT expert coming from an English-speaking country may be an advantage.
Do extensive research to know those areas that Sweden is looking for, This is possible if you can seek help online those organisations specialising in recruiting Professionals such as Mechanics, Electric/Electronic technicians, Information technologists, software development engineers and technicians, computer science experts, All aspects of nursing/medical practitioners, plumbing technicians, construction technicians or building engineers.

It is a known fact that the Swedish economy is booming currently and many companies and organisations in various fields are really in need of qualified professionals in key areas.

Again, if you cannot do it alone seek the help of professionals online. possibly get advice from the Swedish counselling official at their embassy, however, if you’re not a well-qualified person in your trade or profession don’t disturb yourself.

BE SELF EMPLOYED: if you are an expert in a particular trade and you have the means of setting up your workshop or business house. You don’t want to work for anyone, it is possible, provided you can scale through the initial paper works and be ready to register with the Swedish Migration Agency and other relevant organisations.

In all, you must apply for a work visa before departing your country because a work visa cannot be obtained in Sweden.


1. Apply for employment (be sure the job have been advertised on the European Job Mobility Portal EURES for a minimum of 10 days)
2. Receive an official offer of employment from a company or organisation in Sweden.
3. Get an application for a work visa via Sweden embassy in your country
Attach the following documents:
1. A valid international passport. Please note that the validity of your passport determined the duration of your work permit.
2. The original offer of employment from a company in Sweden.
3. Tell the company employing you to endeavour to complete an official offer of employment – This process will convince the Swedish Migration Board that you have been employed by a company that met the laid down standard. Attach the completed form.
4. Photocopies of the data page of your passport including previous visas (if any).
5. The original statement of trade union from Sweden obtained by your employer.
6. Payment of application processing fee determined by the embassy.
7. Two recently acquired passport sized photographs with white background.
After the compilation, you’re to submit them personally at the Swedish embassy in your country
The embassy will subsequently forward your application to the Swedish Migration Agency for consideration.



The study to stay approach involves preparation to study for a particular course or profession you believed is in great demand currently in Sweden.
The downside is that it’s rather a long-term project. Secondly, it involves heavy finance.
While the advantages include:
1. Be a master of a profession that will be of great benefits in future, secondly, it allows the person ample opportunities to be familiar with current happening in Sweden.
2. You’ll use the time to study the language and culture, thereby get used to the system.
3. It’s possible to secure employment at the tail end or as soon as you graduated.
4. Because you studied there, you definitely have advantages over a greenhorn coming from another country.

If you choose the study to stay approach, this is how to go about it.
1. Do extensive research on various institutions of higher learning in Sweden.
2. Placed in an application for studies at the University of your choice.
3. Obtain an offer of admission or acceptance of the offer from the university.
4. Get reasonable finance or pay the necessary financial commitments.
5. Get an international passport with more than two years of validity.
6. Apply for a student visa from your country.
7. Be ready to undertake a full-time study in order to qualify for a residence permit.

If you’re able to secure a student visa you’re on your way to a legal entry and stay in Sweden which will enable you to achieve your long-term goal of living and working in Sweden.

If you entered Sweden as a refugee and you intend to study before work, the first step is to search for a University or College that offers your course of choice. Secondly, be sure you register with the Sweden Migration authority to obtain a study permit.

BE READY TO PAY SCHOOL FEES – As a citizen of non-EU countries University education are not free and the cost of living is expensive especially in Stockholm and other major cities.
However, from our findings, it is cheaper to live in small towns across Sweden, Furthermore, consumers items are relatively cheaper in Sweden that many people usually cross the borders from Norway to make purchases in Sweden.



According to study in, if you studied in Sweden and you have the residence permit for studies and you have completed two semesters of full-time study at a Swedish University, it is permissible to remain in Sweden for up to six months to look for a job or start a business.
If you secure employment you’re eligible for a work permit.

in order to find a good job, it is important to study for a course in demand in Sweden, profession such as Information Technology, software development engineers, electric/electronic technicians, all aspects of nursing/medical fields, etcetera will definitely give you a hedge in Sweden’s labour market.

Because you studied in Sweden we are convinced that navigating your ways will not be difficult because you’re familiar with the terrain.


Regardless of the options you choose, if you’re living and working in Sweden legally there are few things that are certain:
1. Your safety is guaranteed – Sweden is a safe country and you go about your daily business knowing you’re safe.
2. Fair treatment from your employer – it doesn’t matter if you are have not to join the union, your employer will always follow the established standard of fair treatment of employees.
3. Food and restaurants – Food and workplace cafeteria don’t cut corners, nor sell expired products, they sell at reasonable rates and the foods are healthy.
4. Learn Swedish – Although English is understood by many people, it will do you a lot of good and make your stay enjoyable if you can speak Swedish. Otherwise, you will box yourself into a corner by staying only in your place of employment or study most of the time.
5. The Swedish weather: Get ready to cope with cold in most areas and dark winters in the far north of the country. That’s why it’s important to study or choose the area that is less cold before arriving in Sweden.
6. Tax payment. If you’re working tax payment is compulsory.
7. Finally, just as they do in The Netherlands,  when you are visiting a Swedish at home, be ready to take off your shoe. That’s the tradition here. Now that the coronavirus pandemic is ravaging the world be ready to abide by the new rule put in place in Sweden.


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