6 Friendly Western European countries You Can visit

This writeup is specially made for guys who are currently staying at home eagerly wanting to hit the road and travel the world. Here we carefully examined 6 friendly Western European countries you can visit after the pandemic.

6 friendly Western European countries you can visit after the pandemic

1. THE NETHERLANDS: A country located in North-West Europe popularly known as Holland. This country is an ideal place you can commence your Western European visit. Your marvellous Netherlands experience starts right from Schiphol airport in Amsterdam. The Airport setting and the immediate environment is superb to behold.

Stepping out of the Airport and move to the city of Amsterdam which is the Netherlands commercial nerve centre is regarded as Tourist’s paradise. Amsterdam presents to you a lot of options when you intend to explore the clean city. There are various easy systems of transportation within and outside the Capital. The Train system of transportation is so good and enjoyable that if you travel southwards you may not know when you’re in Belgium. Equally, if you move eastwards you may land in German territory.

The Netherlands is so flat that you may decide to conduct most of your sightseeing on a bicycle. Tiredness is out of the equation.


2. BELGIUM: A Western European country that shared a border with The Netherlands, France, Luxembourg, Germany and maritime border with the North sea is a friendly country you can visit and be rest assured that your visit will be enjoyable with no hostility. The Belgian citizens are accommodating and friendly. Unlike in some other European countries where Africans are not welcome and constantly subjected to racial violence and constantly policed. When you’re in Belgium you’re free like a bird to explore the entire Belgian cities and enclaves. You may decide to start your Belgian visit from Brussels the Capital and the commercial centre which is equally the Headquarters of the European Union. Onwards to the port city of Antwerp, continue your movement to Liege, Ghent, Bruges, Ypres, Ronse, Charleroi, Mechelen etc.

Due to the excellent transport system when you’re in Belgium moving around becomes easy with numerous choices of transportation readily available. From electric train to bike or boat. Moving around is easy, safe and affordable. You’re in for a memorable holiday.


3. LUXEMBOURG: This tiny and landlocked country that shared borders with big countries such as Germany, France and Belgium is a unique and amazing friendly country you can visit anytime. When you’re in this country you have so much more to do that you will not believe that you’re traversing a small country. There are unique places to visit that will thoroughly occupy the time that you will want to come back. The big deal is that the atmosphere is friendly and free of hostility from the inhabitants and the law enforcement authorities that are so civil that you may not feel their presence.

Luxembourg welcomes you anytime. When you’re there do not forget to visit the Old Quarter of Luxembourg City.


4. SWITZERLAND: This mountainous country is a dream visit year-round. From Zurich to the Alps visiting Switzerland is always a unique experience. The beauty aspect of visiting Switzerland is that it is a country devoid of discrimination. Despite the fact that you are in an advanced country where the cost of living is expectedly expensive, however, generally consumable items are affordable and there are various options available for all categories of Tourists.

When you’re in this beautiful country you will experience the freedom which is made possible by the level of civility and friendly dispositions of the Swiss citizens. You’re free to explore the beautiful country because the people are friendly and mind their own business. The ice on the cake is that there is no language difficulty in that majority of Swiss citizens do understand and speak English.


5. UNITED KINGDOM: From all indications this country is the best place when you’re talking of a friendly Western European country you can visit after the pandemic. The UK stands out. It’s by far the best place where you can feel at home. It is one of the most civilised countries in the world, where you experience freedom of movement devoid of discrimination and hostility from any quarter. When you’re here you do not need to worry about the type of food you intend to eat. Or the place to go for affordable services. Your country is surely well represented. Furthermore, you have no language problems because you’re in the home of a Universal language.

This country popularly known as the UK is a friendly country you can pack your bag and visit without much ruminating if you will be free to move around without the fear of molestation or traversing in a hostile environment. Travelling through England, Wales, to Scotland down to Northern Ireland and Ireland we can honestly say you have no problems of movement in terms of safety and friendliness. The more you go, the more you want to visit again because of the unique atmosphere. Despite the pandemic scare, the United Kingdom is there for you.


6. FRANCE: When talking of 6 friendly Western European countries you can visit after the pandemic. This Western European country occupies the top echelon in most of the parameters you may use. Talking of a fatherly figure, affordable cost of living, unique atmosphere, good weather conditions, safe country where an African can tour with peace of mind. No language difficulty and a country where you can easily come across people from your part of the world. France presents you with a country generally safe for your visit. Friendly devoid of hostility from uncivilized people claiming nationalism prevalent in some European countries.

From time immemorial, Paris has assumed or connoted one of the most beautiful cities in Europe. A city you want to visit at least once in a lifetime. People of yesteryear vividly believed in the adage ‘See Paris and Die’ to them, the City of Paris is the most beautiful in the world. Despite the pandemic problems, France remains a favourable and friendly place for Africans.



The above 6 countries are our selection for now, which we did from our studies or analysis of recent happenings in most European countries. We cannot recommend a country such as Hungary, Austria or Italy, therefore, it’s better to avoid them currently.


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