7 Arab Countries You Can Live And Work Safely

The rate at which young Africans especially Nigerians are trooping to many Arab countries especially in the Middle East to live and work is the trust of this write-up to analyze in detail of 7 Arab countries you can live and work safely.


Qatar is one of the richest countries in the world ranked very high in the Arab countries you can live and work safely currently. Qatar as the next host of the FIFA World Cup 2022, is taking the issue of safety seriously.
If you examine all the parameters on what a foreigner may take into consideration before you make a decision on living in an Arab country, the issue of security ranks very high. All the security challenges bedevilled many Middle East countries, such as terrorism, wars that seem to have no end, military rule (Egypt) natural disasters, etc are not occurring in Qatar, therefore anyone who desires to live and work in an Arab country will not be wrong in choosing Qatar.

The success story of Qatar is now the envy of some adjacent countries  To cap it all, Qatar is having effective police and they’re everywhere ready to face any security challenges.

Getting a job in Qatar

From the perspective of African migrants workers interested in living and working in Qatar, I make it bold to say Qatar is a friendly country to travel to. All you need to do is to find out the type of work you intend to do in Qatar. A country where foreign residents are more than the indigenous inhabitants.

Getting a good job in Qatar is possible if you can process it the right way. Never relies on those agents that may promise everything and deliver nothing. You can search for jobs online. There are lots of job openings in Qatar currently. The challenge you may have in getting a job in Qatar just like most Arab countries is that you will need a sponsor. That issue can be taken care of if you have an offer of employment. Usually, your potential employer can stand as your sponsor.

If you secure employment do not rush in travelling but find out about your potential employer, the salary and the general condition of service in that country.



The Sultanate of Oman a Middle East country situated in the desert of the Arabian Peninsula is the next on our list of Arab countries that you can live and work safely.
Despite her nearness to most of the unstable and war-ravaged Arab countries in the region, Oman remains a stable country. When you’re in Oman your safety is assured because the Sultanate of Oman can boost of highly dedicated and efficient policemen.

When you’re in Oman, in order to enjoy your stay, refrain from dabbling into their political affairs, respect their culture and do not abuse their rulers. Omani citizens are friendly people as long as you play by the rule. If you’re the type that dresses loosely avoid Oman because the normal conservative dressing is the way of life here.

For anyone who desires to work in Oman the best way is to process a work visa prior to coming to Oman. There are job opportunities, about 2 million people are working here currently and large numbers are foreigners. You can search for a job on the Internet or allow a trusted agent to assist you. In all, you will need a company to sponsor your visa and the employment agency should be able to process it for you.

Alternatively, you can travel to Oman on a tourist visa purposely to search for a job and to get familiar with the terrain, if you’re lucky to get it, you can return to your country of residence to process the work visa.

When you’re living and working in Oman part of the benefits you derived is that the pay is good, tax is low and the cost of living is lower than most other Arab countries which will enable you to save money.


3. UAE

Despite the huge demand from people all over the world to travel to Dubai and the high rate at which immigrants are travelling to UAE for divergent reasons, these Arabian wonders in the desert remain the most preferred destination for many young people from Africa.

With all the pressure and the volume of tourists heading to the UAE daily, it’s marvellous to know that the place is still adjudged to be a safe country to visit. Violent crime rarely occurs. War and terrorism that some countries in the Middle East are battling with daily are absent in UAE. If you chose to travel here you can easily be moving around and stay with peace of mind.

Although good jobs are becoming difficult to obtain, however if you can get the service of an experienced job recruiter and not those that specialises in human trafficking you can get a relatively good job because UAE keep developing rapidly and the demand for various types of position keep opening.

If your intention to come here is to secure employment there are two ways you can get a work visa.
1. Search for a job online or employ an experienced job recruiter to help you in searching for a job of your choice. An agent can link you with an employer who will stand as your sponsor. You only need to avoid dubious agents who may want to play the fast game on you. He may take your money and arranged fake employment.

2. Travel to UAE on a tourist visa and utilise the free period to do an intensive search for jobs. If you’re lucky to get a job, you will return to your country of residence with the offer of employment and visit the UAE Embassy for a work visa.
The second option will enable you to know what is obtainable in UAE, you will be familiar with the terrain and with do’s and don’t of the new country.

For anyone who desires to work in UAE knows from the onset that UAE does not have minimum wage rates, salary or remunerations depends on your negotiation skills or your qualification. In all, remunerations depend on your employer’s policy or work rates. Do not be surprised if a company driver receives more salary than a company’s secretary.


Bahrain an Island country situated at the heart of the Persian Gulf is the next on our list of Arab countries that you can live and work safely.

Bahrain with a small population of about 1,500,000 inhabitants is a country that is attractive to foreign skilled and unskilled foreigners due to the fact that the government is stable and the country is considered safe for everyone.

Movement from Bahrain to Saudi Arabia become easy because of the massive King Fahd Causeway. A 24 kilometres highway crossing the Gulf,  originating from Saudi Arabia to the island country of Bahrain.

Even though Bahrain is considered to be liberal than most other adjacent countries that does not authorise you to disrespect their Islamic way of life, indecent dress, drinking alcohol, refrain from eating during the holy months of Ramadan, remove your shoes while entering a private home, womanizing and homosexual are forbidden.

Working in Bahrain
For anyone interested in working in Bahrain, there are works you can be fitted in provided you can meet their requirements.
Having a work visa is the basic requirement for working in Bahrain, and you should process the work visa before travelling to Bahrain. The way to go about it has been discussed as in the case of UAE.
The Bahraini system recognised the use of a sponsor. A Sponsor can be an employer, a well-respected individual, an institution, a legal resident in Bahrain.

The positive point in staying in Bahrain is that the cost of living is relatively low than what is obtainable in some other popular Middle East countries. The government subsidies all essential items such as foods and gas, water and electricity, therefore, make them affordable to an average individual.

Finally, Bahrain recognised and set a new minimum wage. Ad on January 8th, 2014, the approved minimum wage start from Bahrain currency BD300 (Equals USD792).



Kuwait an Arab country situated in the Persian Gulf neighbouring Saudi Arabia and Iraq is another country worth consideration regards the issue of safety. After the unfortunate invasion by her bigger neighbour Iraq, this small country in the Arabian desert has been relatively peaceful and foreigners living or visiting Kuwait are going about their business without fear from any quarter.

Violent crimes are very low and violent attacks on foreigners are rarely occurred, as long as you keep to the rules and respect their culture.

Unlike in some other Arab countries, most Kuwaiti citizens understand English, therefore, you can easily get along and move around with ease.

Kuwait is an advanced country and the costs of living are relatively expensive. For anyone who intends to come here for employment purposes, you should start searching from your country of residence. On the other hand, you may seek the help of a professional job recruiter. They have the knowledge of the current happening in Kuwait and know how to arrange for a sponsor. If you land a job your employer can stand your sponsor.

Please avoid some foreigners living in Kuwait that pretend to be agents. Some of them are scammers. They are ready to swindle any gullible foreigners, unfortunately, most of them are from your country.

The beauty of working in Kuwait is that their salary is generally fair and there are no personal taxes.

The drawback when you secure employment and you arrive in Kuwait is the issue of some employers taken possession of your passport. This will make it practically impossible for you to change employment.

Before accepting employment here, study the contractual agreement in order not to enslave yourself, which often time may end in disaster.
Remember whenever you want to start a new job here, you will be asked to surrender your travel document. Please be very careful in doing that, from the experiences of many unfortunate immigrants it may be difficult to retrieve.

Do not travel to Kuwait with a tourist visa if your mission is to search for a job. The cost of everything is expensive, unlike in some other Arab countries.

Avoid travelling to Kuwait between June and August, that period is very hot and it may be unbearable for a new arrival.



Despite Saudi Arabia’s involvement in an unnecessary and unending war in Yemen this country that housed the two Islamic holiest sites is considered safe for everyone, foreigners inclusive.

Saudi Arabia a country that is receiving the largest number of Muslim pilgrims to the country daily take the issue of safety seriously, generally things are working well with the low problem of violent crime. There are reported exceptional cases of few taxi drivers robbing passengers and also some cases of pickpocketing in the holy city during Hajj, the country is relatively safe for foreigners.

Getting a job in Saudi Arabia is increasingly difficult due to the current policy of ‘Saudization’ and the process is getting longer. If you’re interested in getting a job here, you have to engage the service of an established agent. The agent should have a sound knowledge of the current happening, and be familiar with the special skills that are in a shortage. A profession such as Teaching of English (are in high demand in private schools), engineering, software developers and engineers, IT experts, construction and Healthcare professionals are in demand currently.

The high point of working in Saudi Arabia is that an employee is not expected to pay an income tax.

When you land a job in Saudi Arabia through an agent endeavour to study the papers very well. If the agreement or the offer of employment comes in a language you don’t understand, ensure you engage the service of the language expert to interpret it properly. Adequate knowledge of what you’re going to perform in an Arab country is essential to your success or failure in Saudi Arabia.
Do not say I did not inform you in advance.

Jordan an Arab country strategically located in a corner of the Middle East is considered a safe place to travel and stay for foreigners.

How Jordan a country sharing a border with Isreal and Palatine to the west, Syria to the north, Saudi Arabia to the east and south, Iraq to the north-east, managed to stay out of trouble remain the biggest misty or wonder of our time.

Despite unending wars, terrorism and civil conflicts ravaging the Middle East especially her neighbours, Isreal, Palatine, Syria, Iraq, the country remains a safe place to visit anytime.

The capital and the largest city is Amman, a modern city by all standards, it’s considered to be one of the most westernized and liberal in the Arab world.

Jordan may not be counted among the richest nations but there is no poverty in Jordanian cities. Life is going on steadily. Jordanians are warm and friendly people.

Due to an unending war in Palatine and civil war in Syria, many Palatine and Syria refugees are living in Jordan. Palestinian Arabs comprise over 40% of the population.

For anyone who desires to travel to Jordan from Nigeria, there are various airline operating flights from Lagos to Amman. Airlines such as Emirates, Egyptair, Turkish, and MEA have scheduled flight services.

For anyone intending to come to Jordan to work, getting good jobs may be difficult and those young people who desire to work as domestic workers need to be careful in that there is a lot of complaint from Migrant domestic workers especially from Asia.
According to a recent study, large numbers of them are experiencing various abuses, rage from physical, verbal and sexual abuse, and to cap it all the remunerations are generally poor.


Before packing your luggage and head to the Middle East, be sure you do your research and find out about the country and their system. Do a background check on your employer in order not to enslave yourself in a strange country.

It’s not enough that a particular country is safe for foreigners, but it’s more important to find out how a country’s system is taking care of foreigners living and working in their country. How friendly and civilized are the citizens? Do they have an organization that is looking after the welfare of the foreigners living in the country?

Avoid LEBANON as much as you can, currently, the reports coming from there is horrible,  migrant workers especially Africans are experiencing harsh treatments with low pay. In a nutshell, if you don’t want to become a modern slave search for a job elsewhere. You have been told.

That’s all for now on 7 Arab countries you can live and work safely


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