When deciding on how to live and work in Dubai there are important factors you should consider before taking such an important step in your life.

Statistically, when you calculate the high rate at which young Nigerians and some other people from developing countries are rushing to Dubai searching for employment opportunities,  it’s easy to conclude that getting lucrative jobs is possible there in Dubai. However, there are some factors or happening taking place in Dubai in recent years that should discourage any rational mind before taking a decision on how to live and work in Dubai.


Below we intend to analyse some important factors you must take into consideration before making a decision.

  • 1. HAVING THE NECESSARY SKILL: It is important for you to be a professional or acquire the necessary skills for your endeavour. Recently an elderly lady called this website, enquired about how to obtain a Nigeria international passport, for her four young relations intending going to Dubai to work as truck drivers. In a nutshell,  the boys were invited by a friend.  We politely asked her if those boys were professional drivers (b) have they handled long vehicles here before (c) do they have a professional driver licence. All answers were negative and we advised them to dropped the idea. Because we believed the person inviting them failed to explain the professionalism required to drive a truck in Dubai. That he may have other things in mind which will not benefit those potential new arrivals other than himself.

We advised that those young people should set aside some time at least 3 months, to go and learn how to drive a truck or articulated vehicles and make sure to obtain a professional certificate of competency in Truck driving and get a driver’s license.

  • 2 HAVING A VALID PASSPORT: Your passport must have at least six months of validity
  • 3. SEARCH FOR VACANCIES ONLINE: It’s possible for you to secure your desired job online if you go through appropriate portals.
  • 4. OBTAIN EMPLOYMENT LETTER: Make sure you get an employment letter from a company or an organisation
  • 5. VISA/RESIDENT PERMIT: Present your passports and relevant documents to the embassy for processing
  • 7. CONSIDER DUBAI WEATHER: Be aware of their weather, this is important because the UAE is extremely hot most of the year, and some people may not be able to stand the heat.
  • 8. ASK QUESTIONS: Do not rush to travel to Dubai without adequate research of the current happening in that country. Know the level of employment and their remunerations. Ask about accommodation and the general standard of living. Finally,  if you apply for a visa make sure you secure approval before travelling.
  • 9. QUICKLY RETURN HOME: If by chance you realized that you processed a wrong visa or you were scammed by an unscrupulous agent, quickly return to your country. Do not wait until the expiration of your visa and overstay which may lead to extra charges or jail if you’re unable to pay. The Dubai police may not see reason with you if you are caught.

Most Nigerians going to Dubai for employment purposes do not wait to process their employment visa or resident permit. Most travelled with visiting or tourist visas, and on getting there, if they secure temporary employment they will not bother to return to a processed employment visa.


These are a few horrifying experiences of some Nigerian deported from Dubai:

  • 1) A young man was cajoled by an agent, who promised him a ready-made job in Dubai. He left Nigeria on a 3 months tourist visa, getting there, the agent’s contact disappeared with his passport. He couldn’t return but stayed to do menial odd jobs. He was later tricked into purchasing a fake passport. One day he was caught and sent to prison. Later he was charged for document fraud and overstay. According to him he couldn’t pay the charges and spent close to two years in detention and later, he was asked to buy his flight ticket for deportation to Nigeria.
  • 2) A 26 years old Nigerian woman left for Dubai with her sponsor, who assured her of a ready-made stylish job in Dubai. On getting there she was told to surrender her passport to another guardian, who tricked her into prostitution, changed her name, thereby losing her identity. She keeps working day and night. Most of the money she made go to the guardian. When she demands her freedom, she was set up and ended up at a police station. She was detained and after several months in detention, she was deported.
  • 3) A Nigerian man secured employment as a technician through an agent who assisted him in processing his documents, unknown to him, the agent inserts a clause in the agreement to be the one collecting the salary and to pay the technician. When the man realised that they were short charging him he protested, but nothing changed. He decided to change employment. When the agent heard, he kicked against it devilishly, he the agent ordered for his arrest by Dubai immigration authority, the man was detained and eventually deported.
  • 4) A Nigerian trader was arrested and detained for producing and selling alcoholic drinks, he confessed that the materials were brought from Nigeria. He was recently deported.


The purpose of this piece is to prepare you very well if you intend to live and work in Dubai. Furthermore, it’s important to know that Dubai is a Muslim city regardless of the current transformation or modernization taking place in Dubai if you are living there in order to avoid arrest and detention which may lead to your eventual deportation, respect their culture, play by the rules, avoid identity fraud and overstay, do not involve in drugs and alcohol of any form, in order not to be blacklisted and deported if you want to live and work in Dubai successfully. Please be careful in all your undertakings.

That’s all for now on how to live and work in Dubai


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