These are the 10 Easiest countries good for Immigration from Nigeria, enjoy it.

When talking about the 10 easiest countries good for immigration from Nigeria you will be amazed that some of the countries we are going to tell you here are not the usual ones you are used to on the Internet.

Our number one pick surprisingly is Nigeria next-door neighbour the Benin Republic. It is astonishing to see people saving millions of Naira and selling their prized properties in order to travel to Europe, North America or far away land such as Asia or Oceania, searching for a fortune that is very difficult to get or exist only in their imagination, risk everything and at the end suffer untold hardship whereas across the border there is a safe haven.



Most of the negative things you may want to run away from in Nigeria doesn’t exist in the Republic of Benin. Talking about Arm robbery, kidnapping, religion or ethnic violence, unstable national currency, very unreliable power and water supply. And to cap it all no reliable and workable national urban design.

The Republic of Benin your next-door neighbour although French-speaking in theory, realistically you have no language problem because the majority of the people you meet in your daily interactions speak your language with passion.

The money you are wasting struggling to get to those unfriendly countries such as Europe and the United States. Paying for visas that seem to be gambling, or get scammed in the process.  Travelling and reaching their airport and be turned back over flimsy reasons (US)  Entering and be put in detention camps over nothing but the colour of your skin (Australia, Germany etcetera) Forcefully taken away your passport and money (Dubai) Changing plane or transiting and be turned back without reaching your destination (Egypt, UAE, Turkey etcetera) are more than enough to invest in a legal business across the border and be a master of your destiny.

The best way to live in the Benin Republic as a Nigerian is to establish a small scale business. The establishment of a business is not difficult if you have the means. Likewise getting a shop or renting a space is easier than in most adjacent countries. In establishing a business venture,  focus on goods needed by Nigerians and getting customers will be easier. Remember 95 per cent of imported goods arrives the Benin Republic definitely ended up in Nigeria. The Benin Republic is an ideal place for you to live and do business legally.

Easiest Countries Good For Immigration from Nigeria


It beat my imagination that Nigerians usually overlook Ghana when deciding on relocating to another country.

Ghana is an English-speaking country with a stable energy supply which is very vital in all industrial survivals or your daily business activities. No wonder many big and well-known brands or industries relocated and are still relocating from Nigeria due to an unstable and unreliable power supply.
Despite the border bottlenecks and highly corrupt border officials on the way, travelling between Lagos and Accra is under a day journey by road and well affordable.
Setting up a small-scale business in Ghana and meeting their requirements will be a child play comparing with any European country.


Ever since I was a kid, farming with my father in our village called Olori near Oyo I have seen many of my uncles, aunts, cousins and distant relatives packing their bags heading to Abidjan with ease. (A nearby town called Ajigbo in Osun State Nigeria is a good example) in those days, I did not know that Abidjan is in another country. Most of them are well to do families today and many people are still emulating them.

Why don’t you take a trip to Ivory Coast, take advantage of the ECOWAS treaty that makes it easy for you to travel and stay for 90 days without a visa? Find out the type of business you can invest part or all of the money you’re taking to Europe or North America and become your own boss.


The Gambia is a small West African country. An English-speaking country that is almost entirely surrounded by Senegal. The western coastline is shared with the mighty Atlantic ocean.

The Gambia is a country with low import duties and minimal administrative bottlenecks. A country where you can set up a business and be making it big with no language barrier and an educational system that is well-tailored to suit your children’s needs. It is a place you can live and settle down with your family.


For those sojourning to Europe taking a highly risky, very long, dangerous and laborious journey through the Agadez-Niger desert, which most people disastrously end in an unstable and dangerous  Libya.  Why can’t you terminate the journey in Maradi, Niger Republic? Tell them you’re not going again.

Niger,  your neighbour to the north is a quiet place you can relocate to and start a business without much hindrance. Unlike the negative attitudes of some few African countries,  you can live and be transacting your business daily in the Niger Republic without molestation.

There are some items you can buy from Nigeria and take across the border and you’re in business. Equally find out those items you can buy from Niger, plenty of them that you can sell with ease in Nigeria. Settle down in Niger is not difficult because it is an ECOWAS member country, also culturally we shared so many things in common.
It is much easier to move goods from the north than the south.

The rate of crime in Niger is far lower than in Nigeria. There are schools that teach in English, therefore, educating your children will never be a problem.

The weather is unfriendly but they enjoy stable electricity better than most places in Nigeria.

Instead of embarking on a highly risky desert journey that may end in war-torn Libya. And get caught by Libya human traffickers. Or in Algeria where they will deliberately throw you into the desert to perish. Be warned that Arabs in those two countries lack human feeling, they’re capable of doing unthinkable bad things.  Simply, I term them as animals in human skin. Please in your own interest avoid Libya,  they’re wicked.

Maradi, a nearby town in Niger, is a place you can stay and relocate with less cash without taking a dangerous journey through one of the most dangerous routes in the world.


Despite the mad rush that occurred in the last quarter of 2017 and early 2018 when many Nigerians throw caution into the wind and moved en mass illegally to Canada, despite so many obstacles on the way using illegal routes between US and Canada borders. Canada remains one of the few friendly countries a Nigerian citizen can relocate to and be better for it.

All the negative and scary reasons that want to make a man run from his homeland for a while are non-existence in the North American nation of Canada. Massive unemployment and underemployment, serious ethnic and religious debacles and outright wars, high crime rates, unreliable and erratic energy supply. Very bad motor roads. The high and uncontrolled population are what the average Nigerian battles with daily.

  • There are two ways you can easily migrate to Canada
    • 1. Apply for a student visa. If you enter as a student achieving residence become easy.
    • 2. Take advantage of the current industrial shortages in Canada by processing their express entry program. This is a programme if pursued diligently by using your connections in Canada preferably it will get you there.



Ecuador is one of the easiest countries a Nigerian can relocate and find his way. It could be regarded as a new-found land for many due to its libra visa policy. Only about one thousand Nigerians are living there currently.

If you don’t mind the distance Ecuador is a preferable place for an immigrant who is looking for a safe and clean country. It is a place where you can obtain residence permits without frustration and molestation.

For those willing to work in Ecuador, work is not readily available, however, you can get it if you have the right connections.

There are some websites we can recommend for you to search for your choice of jobs.


For those willing to set up small-scale businesses, Ecuador is the best place for you. It’s a place you can get things done without administrative or bureaucratic bottlenecks.
The huge money you can use in struggling for visas and travel to North America or West Europe where you can lose your way and become a public charge could be enough to start something reasonable here.

According to “Ecuador presently remains number one of the top ten internationally rated best places in the world to retire to for the past several years in a row.”
There are sound programmes designed for retirees that are so good to make you want to stay the rest of your life in Ecuador.


Our next take is a delightful country called Paraguay. A landlocked South American country sandwiched between Argentina and Brazil.

Paraguay is a country with a high literacy rate, higher than most developed countries. It is a safe and peaceful place. The people are very friendly and civilized.
If you have the means and you are looking for a country to relocate to where the cost of living is relatively low, choose Paraguay.

Living or working in Asuncion, Formosa or any other city in Paraguay is a wonderful experience.

Securing a Paraguay visa is not difficult and achieving their residence permits is easy for those who desire to stay permanently.

For those immigrants wanting to stay permanently, it is possible to deposit a certain amount of dollars in Paraguay bank which qualifies you Paraguayan residency. It will enable you to stay indefinitely and after three years you’re qualified to apply for citizenship.


Panama is an independent Central American country. It can be regarded as a land bridge connecting north and south America. It shared a border between Costa Rica and Colombia.

Panama is our next preferable choice on the 10 easiest countries good for immigration from Nigeria.

Due to the fact that migration is increasingly difficult nowadays worldwide, comparatively Panama present you reasonably not a too difficult process if you’re looking for a country to relocate to.

It is a well-known fact that Panama is a prime focus and location for retirees and experts when thinking of a reliable place for permanent residents.

There is the various programme that is designed to make it easy for a foreigner to set up a business. You can acquire land and set up an agaric business provided you have the means.

You do not have problems in converting currency, because the US dollar is the national currency.

If you desire to work in Panama try to surf the net. There are some websites that can assist you in this regard. It’s possible to get a work visa if you secure employment prior to your departure from your home country.


Belize a small country situated in Central America and shared the border with Mexico and Guatemala is another country we’re recommending to you for immigration due to the fact that:

  • 1. It’s an English-speaking country, therefore, getting along will not be difficult.
  • The entry visa is not difficult to obtain.
  • It’s also possible to renew the visa when you are inside.
  • The cost of living is low.
  • It’s a diverse population.
  • You will enjoy the weather.
  • Excellent retirement programme for retirees coming from abroad.
  • If you’re staying in Belize and have proof of sufficient financial resources it is easy to obtain permanent residency.
  • If you have the means it is possible and easy to establish your own business.

That’s all on 10 easiest countries good for immigration from Nigeria for the information you can contact this website.

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