Here we present to you living and working in UAE – African migrants for your consideration.

In recent years the United Arab Emirates has assumed a preferred destination for many migrants workers seeking better lives for themselves and their families. Due to fast technological developments currently taking place in the Arabian desert country, many professionals want to be part of it.

However in their rush to get there, many young people embark on clearly wrong ways in processing the entry visas and ended in UAE with visiting permits that may not be extended. That’s why we at are analysing living and working in UAE African migrants, in other for you not to be the next victim.


Before setting out from your current country of residence, there are things you should seriously take into consideration:
1. Do you have the right qualifications: Please don’t go if you’re not a master of a particular trade or have the right qualifications, otherwise you will end up doing menial jobs with ridiculous pay, which will turn you to be a slave forever.

2. Do you have the means to prosecute the trip: Basic travelling allowance is mandatory if you do not want to become a public charge.

3. Are you familiar with the current happening in UAE: Knowing exactly the current employment position or the type of job available in UAE is what wise guys do before setting out from their comfort zone. Do serious research or get the service of reliable employment agencies online.

4. Are you technically sound in your field: If you’re a master of a profession or trade, such as Driving, Mechanics, Rewires, painters, building construction technicians or engineers, electric/electronic technicians, plumbers, roofer or carpenters, Information technology developers and engineers, software engineers, etcetera, it’s advisable you take time to apply and acquire a work visa before departing to UAE. You I’ll be glad you did instead of going there and start searching.

5. Are you healthy enough: Can your health conditions withstand the harsh Arabian desert weather. Generally,  the weather condition is hash.

6. Have you search for a job or have a sponsor: Get a job and process a work visa before travelling if you are planning relocation or living and working in UAE. In most cases, you need a sponsor.

7. Are you willing to be self-employed or working for an employer: It’s possible to be self-employed, you can do it, provided you can do the processing of papers or professional membership and pay the required associations fees for your particular trade.

8. The remuneration: Do you know the minimum wage in UAE or are you ready to take just anything. If you’re well qualified there is a law guiding minimum wages in UAE.

9. Are you relocating permanently or returning after a while: If you’re planning to live and working in UAE African migrants on permanent relocation be thorough in your decision in order to enjoy it at the end.

10. Do you have an international passport and its validity: Having an international passport and how you’ll protect is a big effort in UAE because many unscrupulous agents are ready to dispossess you of this vital document conned on your arrival, keep it in their custody, thereby denied you freedom of leaving at your own volition and made you a modern slave. Remember, it’s illegal for anyone to keep your passport.

11. The job contract: Know exactly the type of job contract you’re entering before taking employment.


No discrimination: In choosing to live and working in UAE the biggest advantage you’ll derive is that unlike in other climes, there are no many discriminations here, people here do not employ based on colour, realistically your technical know-how plays a big role in your development and in living and working in UAE.

The payment is good: If you secure employment properly and got a work visa be assured that you will receive a good wage unless you travel the illegal way or you fell into the hand of an unscrupulous agent.

The system is working: In living and working in UAE things are really working. The citizens here play by the rule and obey the law.

The first wrong step most African migrants took in their quest to rush to UAE is the type of visa they procured.
If your aim is to work in UAE, process and obtain a work visa. There is no shortcut. Work Visa is the only reasonable alternative.


1. Search and get employment, this can be achieved by:
a. Employ a reliable agent to do it for you.
b. Search for your type of employment personally online.
c. Seek help from a relative living legally in UAE.
d. Travel on a visiting or tourist visa to UAE and search for employment directly, however, be sure you do not overstay.

There are licensed recruitment agencies in UAE you can engage, provided you’re ready to pay for their service. Search online to get them. If you provide them with your details and register with them, it is their job to provide you with suitable jobs vacancies currently available.

Furthermore, make use of LinkedIn and updates your details regularly because recruitment agencies may want to get in touch with you online. Be specific and make your curriculum vitae simple.

Getting a work visa:
Obtaining a work visa becomes simple if you use any of the above-mentioned methods.
Because getting a job offer is the major prerequisite for getting a work visa, it’s advisable you spend time searching for a job and do all you can to get one. Also, get all the required documents needed for the work visa. Importantly, get a sponsor.


1. Your International passport with reasonable validity.
2. The offer of employment, without an offer of employment from UAE you cannot get a work visa.
3. The job offer must be duly signed by your employer and you before applying for a visa.
3. A medical examination is mandatory: Be ready to undergo a comprehensive medical examination before your work visa is issued.
5. Dully completed the visa application form.
6. Original and photocopy of your credentials
7. Photocopies of the data page of your passport
8. Two recently acquired passport sized photographs with white background.
9. Evidence of flight booking.



If you’re unable to get a work visa through the direct approach, you may consider the study to stay approach which is a win situation.
This approach involves the search for a College or University in UAE that offers a certain course you believed is employment guaranteed course of studies.

The advantages of the study to stay approach are:
1. While studying you’re getting familiar with the system.
2. You have time to study the language and culture in addition to your course of study.
3. While studying you can do part-time jobs, such as teaching English to keep you going.
4. At the tail end of your study, you can search for suitable employment.
5. Because you are familiar with the country you stand a better advantage in getting a job than a greenhorn.
6. It is possible to study in an English-speaking College in UAE, provided you have the means.

The downside of this approach is:
1. It involves heavy financial preparations.
2. It’s a long-term project: Be ready to spend between 18 months and three years to qualified.
3. Be ready to pay school fees, because States education institutions are not free for non-citizen and they may not teach in the English language.


1. When you decide to relocate to UAE the foremost thing guaranteed is that your life is safe.
2. Accommodation, your house need is provided by your employer.
3. Medical insurance: Your medical insurance and healthcare need are taking care of by your employer or sponsor.
4. Working hours Authority in UAE believed in the universal working time of eight hours, therefore, you’re expected to work between 8.30 a.m. – 4.30. p.m.
5. Be ready to accommodate the Ramadan fasting period into your system. As a Muslim country, things are quite different during Ramadan and the working hours are reduced by two hours generally.
6. TAX-FREE INCOME: Unlike working in Europe or North America where a larger percentage of your income is used for tax payments, the advantage of working in the UAE is that you don’t pay income tax on your salaries or wages.
7. The official language is Arabic, the earlier you understand it the better for you in your living and working in UAE as an African migrant. However, if you’re lucky to be working in a multinational company you may not need it much.
8. Although the place is situated in the Arabian desert, major cities are covered with Date trees thereby made it green, consequently reduced the impact of the desert heat. Furthermore,  you do not suffer heat in your home or workplace due to the fact that the majority of their accommodations have air conditioning systems


1. ACCOMMODATION: If you’re renting a place to live, be ready to pay a year rent in advance, because most house owners will not settle for less, and if you decide to leave before the expiration date, do not expect a refund.
2. YOUR INTERNATIONAL PASSPORT: Be careful in handling your passport over to anyone, be it an agent, employer or homeowner. Do not give them because when the need arises for you to use it, to change employment or rent or you intend to get out, most of them tend to hold on to the documents and consequently hold you to ransom.

Importantly non-presentation of your passport on demand by police may end you in jail or deportation. Take note. The rate at which they hold on to immigrants passports and many unfortunate migrants are deported to their country without a passport, makes me to believe without a doubt that passport racketeering is going on currently in UAE. That’s a fact.

UAE is an advanced country and the cost of living is relatively high compared to most African countries, however, due to the UAE government policy of subsidies on basic amenities such as water, gas and electricity, most of the necessities are affordable.
Furthermore, due to the low tax on essential goods, electronic and vehicles and locally produced items, most of them are affordable.

Finally, accommodation which is the major cost for immigrants, are coming down gradually, houses are possible to get according to your needs.

That’s all for now on living and working in UAE African migrants. For more information on this subject, you may contact this website.


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