Travel To Sierra Leone From Nigeria Step By Step Guide

Travel to Sierra Leone from Nigeria step by step guide is focusing on informing a potential traveller to Sierra Leone who is taking off from Nigeria,  the essential ingredients you need to know to make your trip a successful one.


Sierra Leone is a small coastal West African country that shared border with Liberia and Guinea. Sierra Leone is a member of the Economic Community Of West African States with the Capital at Freetown, is also a member of the Commonwealth of nations, thereby an English speaking country.


What’s your mode of transportation?

We assumed that you’re commencing your trip from Lagos, therefore we are glad to tell you that you have two viable choices of transportation to Sierra Leone.

1. By flight

2. By road

1. Go by flight. If you intend to reach Sierra Leone very fast and you don’t mind the cost, go by flight. Some of the regular airlines you can use are ASKY Airlines, Arik Airlines, or Ethiopia Airlines, the choice is yours, we do not intend to recommend any airline. However,  you must be careful in choosing an airline because some of them are noted for delays,  sometimes you may stay for a whole day waiting for a flight to Sierra Leone from Lagos.

2. Go by road. There are series of vehicles you can board from Lagos to Freetown. Travelling by road, it’s possible to cut costs to tailor your need.

You can travel by luxurious bus or bus cars from Mile 2 in Lagos or enquire about the terminus of one of the various luxurious buses scatter in Lagos, such as Masha Masha. If cutting costs is your priority and you do not mind many stopovers and the time you get to Sierra Leone you can take commercial transport to Cotonou or Accra and go by local transportation from any of those countries.

Along the way, you can schedule your trip in such a way that you will use their popular or busy motor park to pass away the night and continue your journey the following morning.

There are direct commercial bus cars from Lagos to Sierra Leone, the professional drivers know how to manoeuvring the way to cut the various bottlenecks created mainly by greedy border officials from Nigeria down to Sierra Leone.

If you choose to travel by road it is advisable you set aside 3 days at most to reach Freetown.

Travelling by road used to be the cheapest and the most popular mode of transport to Sierra Leone. It was fun going through those about 4 countries along the way.  However,  due to border bottlenecks in which corrupt and badly trained officers are creating unnecessary delays and creating confusion,  travelling by road is no longer fashionable and reasonable. Factually speaking it is not recommended.



Yes, Sierra Leone is a visa-free country for all Nigerian citizens. Gladly Sierra Leone is a member of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) it connotes that any Nigerian citizen entering Sierra Leone and intend to stay for not more than 90 days does not need an entry visa, or a residence permit to stay in Sierra Leone.

All you need are as follows:

1. Your basic travelling allowance is sufficient to cover your entire stay in Sierra Leone.

2. Your international passport or ECOWAS travel certificate. (Must be valid for the period you intend to stay and until you return to your country)

3. Your health certificate or Yellow card. Be sure you get all the necessary vaccinations including the yellow fever vaccination before your departure. Nowadays, COVID-19 vaccination is a compulsory requirement please take it,

However, if you’re staying beyond 90 days be prepared to apply for a residence permit. To apply be sure your international passport is valid beyond the period you intend to stay and you have a genuine reason to convince the authority here to allow and approve your residence permit.


Travelling to Sierra Leone as a Nigeria one thing is sure, you’re not going to a strange country. Bear in mind that you’re going to a country with large numbers of Nigerian citizens. The biggest advantage of travelling to Sierra Leone is that you are bound to see many of your country’s compatriots. If you’re not unlucky to fall into the wrong hand, you will enjoy your stay because a lot of Nigerians are fully established in the country, with the right connections some can offer a helping hand to a new arrival.


THINGS  TO DO IN SIERRA LEONE: there are lots of things you can engage in in Sierra Leone but remember it may be difficult at the onset, going the legal way we profit you at the end.

1. You can look for a job

2. You can establish a business

3. Going for a vacation

4. You can study to stay

1. Looking for a job in Sierra Leone may be a very difficult task because the rate of unemployment in the country is currently higher. However,  if you’re determined to get one here and you’re professionally qualified in a field such as Information Technology (IT) Software Engineer or Developer, Healthcare professionals or qualified Science Teacher, doors may be open for you without much connection. There are two viable options you can use:

¡. Engage the service of a professional job recruiter. Go online and search for a credible job recruiter, Please avoid those ‘Mr. Know it All’ agents with the sugar-coated mouth, who will take money promised much and deliver nothing at the end.

¡¡. Get a reliable someone currently living in Sierra Leone to search for you. They know the terrain and should be able to connect one of the many Nigerian businesses scattered in the country.


Nowadays,  looking for a job in a small country is no longer fashionable, the best way to establish yourself in Sierra Leone is to set up a business venture. It could be a small scale business, medium or large scale business, currently, Nigerians are welcome. According to Sierra Leone’s High Commission to Nigeria, the government of Sierra Leone has created an enabling environment whereby the restrictions of doing business is very minimal for Nigerians. He called it a new way of doing business. He stated further that cost of registering businesses and other costs associated with registration have been reviewed and all the bottlenecks that civil servants may create for personal gains will attract jail terms.

Please bear in mind that you’re in a country where your compatriots maintained large economic activities, this may be advantage or disadvantage, study the place and be part of the economic activities.

1. Start small: Even if you don’t have much money make sure you start small and grow gradually.

2. Do some findings and know the area of economic needs of the people of the community you intend to locate.

3. Never go into partnership with people you don’t know very well it may end disastrously.

4. If the Capital Freetown is congested, endeavour to go to the interior, remember almost everyone wants to stay in the city. Try and be an exception, it pays better in the end.

5. Be ready to hire a good number of Sierra Leonean youths as part of your social responsibility and to create employment for the local inhabitants.

6. Remember, doing business in Sierra Leone there may be challenges in the beginning, but note that the people and the government here are by far very friendly and accommodating than what’s obtainable in some nearby countries.


Luckily Sierra Leone is an English speaking country,  if you intend to get the right employment in Sierra Leone you can try to study to stay approach. Simply analysis,  this approach is reasonable if you have the resources to invest. It involves setting aside time to study for a course that you believe can get you a job after you complete the course.

All you need to do is to find out the profession that can be regarded as a sought after course. Do a critical analysis on how you can enrol and the duration of your studies in a College or any Higher institution in Sierra Leone. Commence and give it all, because the end justifies the means.

The biggest advantage of this approach is that it will enable you to understand the country better, you will get familiar with the terrain and the entire system before the conclusion of your studies. Getting a job becomes easy because you’re part of the system.



If your aim in travelling to Sierra Leone is to go on holiday, you’re in a unique atmosphere. The country presents you with pure and authentic African hospitality. Please note from the onset that Sierra Leone is not a heavy tourist destination therefore it’s not polluted, most of the time you are on your own. Do not expect a Tourist guide.

Sierra Leone is a safe country compared to some bigger West African countries. You don’t have to worry about kidnappings, banditry and other violent crimes bedevilled some countries, as long as you avoid lonely places and you don’t form the habit of keeping late night outings.

Sierra Leone’s weather is similar to that of Nigeria. They have two seasons. Dry and rainy seasons. The dry season span from November to May, while the rainy season starts from June to October.

The best time to visit Sierra Leone is November to March, in that you will enjoy the weather. If you don’t like to be wet while going on randevour avoid travelling between June and October. That’s the time Sierra Leone experience heavy rain yearly.

Coming from tropical Africa, you have no problem with the foods. Rice is the staple food here. Because you have large numbers of Nigerian citizens living and working here, eating food of your choice becomes easy.


The issue of the place to stay rest purely on your budget. You are free to search for local accommodation. Generally, good hotel accommodation start from USD10 per night. You can go low or higher in your choice of accommodation. It is advisable to allow the accommodation professionals to assist you in getting hotel accommodation. Search online you will have them at your service.

That’s all for now on travel to Sierra Leone from Nigeria step by step guide.


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