Radiographer Salary In Nigeria currently – In years back, there has been a record of death, various disease, and so many disorder in humans and every other living thing, and in the same hands, there has always been an issue to check the real problem and many different causative factors for this. In fact, years back, there is a constraint to checking bone fractures, chest issues, and many other issues that have to do with an internal organ. But with the evolvement of radiology, you can ascertain and be rest assured that most of these issues have been dealt with. As small as some internal organs could be, and as delicate they could be, there have been problems of diagnosis what the real issues are with the internal organ but with the invention of sophisticated machines and diagnosing tools all of these issues has been made more comfortable as you can easily make use of these tools to diagnose what the real problems are with any part of the body, but the use of most of these tools and how to make a record of what one finds has to do with a professional who has been in the field, that will make us delve into looking at who a Radiographer is and what they do couple with the salary they take home on a monthly bases based on statistics made available to this platform.

Radiographer Salary In Nigeria

 No.  Radiographer  Salary
 1.  Average Level  130,000

The joy of any profession is so worth the stress and every energy that has been deposited into obtaining a result in the said courses. And it is paramount for anyone that works to be paid wages, the wages of different profession vary which are always determined by the time duration of such courses, resources expended in the directions of undergoing the training of such profession, and finally the level of professionalism that is obtained in the job. Some professions are being studied in Nigeria but the pay for such courses to another course is a peanut, so here is the salary structure of a Radiographer in Nigeria.

On monthly basis, the average salary of a Radiographer is approximately #130,000; this was based on the wage being based to 17 different staffs during research to know the salary structure. And for most entry-level, the salary structure of a Radiographer is put at 128,000 Naira. But these always couple with some years of experience before such Radiographer could be adsorbed and being paid such amount of money.

Radiographer Salary In Nigeria

  • What is Radiography based on the profession?

Based on continuous research by scientists, various development and discovery were made, but one of the most important discoveries is that of the X-rays, back on November 8, 1895, a scientist called Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen discovered the X-rays initially, and with that discovery, a whole lot of invention has been wrapped around X-rays. Even with most tools that are used in Radiography.

Radiography entails so many branches which include diagnostic radiography, just under diagnostic radiography we have likes of Computed Tomography (CT), Mammography, Magnetic resonance imaging management (MRI), Vascular interventional radiography, PET-CT, Cardiac-interventional radiography, PET-MRI, quality management (QM), Nuclear Medicine (NM), Bone densitometry, radiation therapy and finally the sonography, all of these makes use of image modalities to check the structure and state of any part of the living organism that is to be diagnosed.

All of the aforementioned fields could be used o either diagnose a particular type of Ulcer, to detect internal injuries to various organs and another part of the internal environment, and specific to observed a broken or fractured bone to know how to make the alignment this make the job easier for doctor and another health practitioner to treat appropriately.

  • What is Radiography Based On Science?

You can see Radiography in the light of science and art where you make use of radiation to get the image of a particular part of the body system which may include the vessels, tissues, organs or bone. And someone who makes use of the gadgets that provide the radiation to detect the image is known as a Radiologist; this was so because they have undergone series of professional training on how to handle reports and produce accurate results on whatever they are asked to report. For any treatment that needs radiographic images of a Radiographer to be accurate, it all borne down to the accuracy of the Radiographer.

Still on Radiographer Salary in Nigeria 

  • The function of a Radiographer

For every profession, there are standing orders and job descriptions, for every Radiographer you see in a set-up, they are primarily responsible for getting different diagnostic images for any patient that is to be examined in a specified body section. Before they start the diagnosis the Radiographer must see to the great positioning of the body part that is to be considered. Also, he or she is to see to make use of only the specified amount of radiation that is necessary for such body section to avoid further damages in the body system or such patient.

Also, during surgery, the role of the Radiographer is needed, in the heart section, many cardiac, vascular cases are also treated in an intensive care unit where all hands need to be on deck for both diagnosis and treatment of observed patients and also help in other related cases in treating a rare example of disease or disorder.

  • How to Become A Radiographer

As good as the profession is, some things needed to be in place before you are offered an admission to study in any citadel of learning. The following are the things you need to get in place

  1. You must have at least credit in your 0 level results in both English Language and mathematics coupled with other science-related subjects
  2. You must have over 200 in your JAMB. Also, you registered for appropriate and required subjects during your JAMB registration.
  3. You must put in for accredited universities for the courses because not all universities are certified to offer Radiography.
  • Where Radiographer Can Work.

As divestible the work of a radiographer could be, they can work in different organization and setup which ranges from the health sector to other sectors.

  • They can work in Hospitals and Diagnostics centres; where they helped to diagnosed and produced images of the tissues and other parts of the body the Doctor in charge of the case is instructed to diagnose.
  • They can work in Marine Industry: some pipe may have a bust, and there may be leaking and many others, it is the work of Radiographer that detect the leak pipes that needs repair and many studies of some chemical components of the mined resources.
  • Radiographers could work in Pharmaceutical Company: many of the chemicals that are used to produce drugs we take today are the first to study both on plans and animals, the reaction both in the internal and external environment are carefully examined most time using X-rays which call for the attention of a Radiographer. And besides, most of the atoms and molecules are thoroughly combined and observed using the X-rays likewise.

Conclusion On Radiographer Salaries In Nigeria

All profession in every part of the world is right, but some are more beneficial in every term especially in terms of wages. Why most people spend a more extended period in Universities or any citadel of learning is to be able to increase their monthly take-home which is not in any way a bad idea, but it is always good to get acquitted with the various salary structure of every profession one is planning to spend most of his or her years on. So, here in the write-up, we have critically reviewed everything that you may need to know about a Radiographer, their salaries and all that the profession is all about.

That’s all on Radiographer Salaries in Nigeria.


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