Grade-level 08 salaries in Nigeria Details and Analysis. Nigeria has a variety of salary structures which are determined by the levels of professionalism. As of now, the country adopts a newly-introduced grading system for paying fresh graduates. This new system (popularly known as grade level 08 ) comes with salary levels that range from one profession to the other. For example, entry-level military officers are expected to be remunerated better than their police counterparts.

Sadly, many Nigerians believe the level 08 salary structure is not substantial especially if the country’s economic conditions are to be considered. Basically, you’re expected to maintain a humble beginning because low positions do not guarantee high salaries. Generally, it takes commitment and extreme diligence to get elevated to a higher position and due to this, some Nigerians hardly believe that the civil department is one of the lucrative sectors they can engage in.

Grade Level 08 Salary In Nigeria – Details, And Analysis

Regardless of the existing circumstances, it is good to persevere and aim for higher positions. In point of fact, your first monthly income at grade level 08 salary in Nigeria, might not be the actual sum you need to maintain a reasonable standard of living but if you can compromise yourself and instil intense commitment in your profession, you will surely have the reason to smile about your salary someday.

Despite the complaints that the federal government doesn’t specify a preferable remuneration system for the level 08 civil servants, a multitude of Nigerians are still passionate about finding their rhythm within the civil department. In reality, the civil department is one of the appropriate places for the Nigerians who are committed to serving their fatherland and swearing due allegiance to the nation they were born into. Today, the civil department makes up a substantial portion of Nigeria’s overall population and this marks a great indication that many Nigerians have shown the readiness to restore peace and order to their embattled fatherland.

In that case, this article will be of great importance to the Nigerian graduates who are thinking about venturing into public services such as the Nigerian Police and the Nigerian Communication Commissions (NCC). If you have a flair for either of these professions, you will surely love to find out the salary structure applicable to the grade level 08.

Broadly speaking, this article is a breakdown of the grade level 08 salaries in Nigeria for members of different public services. Also, it is essential to lay emphasis on the fact that the salary level for a newly-recruited person is fairly low but such a person should work diligently and aim for higher positions if he/she wishes to be remunerated better. Basically, grade 8 entry-level members may have a salary level ranging from #53, 000. But in case you’re determined to be paid a higher sum, you can choose to join the Nigerian Police or the military. As implied earlier, we have collated the level 8 salaries for various public services in this article. So, check out the various salary levels below:


  • Level 08 Salary for Those Working in NCC (Nigeria Communication Commissions)

If you’re a civil servant or interested in working in the civil department, NCC is obviously one of the best places to work in. Members of NCC are one of the highest-paid civil servants in Nigeria. Based on the height of your position, you can be rewarded with a monthly salary as high as #381, 000. This is really a considerable amount to earn as a civil servant. However, don’t think you can earn as big as this as a new member. And if you’re just starting out, your monthly salary can be kept around #120, 000. Also noteworthy is that your status as a staff member must have been authenticated before you can have this.

  • Level 08 Salary for Members of the Nigerian Police

Although many Nigerian citizens do not regard police officers in high esteem, the police service is obviously one of the high-paying professions in the civil department. For the Nigerians who are inclined towards the administration of fairness and justice, the police service is surely one of the right places to be. As a police member, your level 08 salary may vary depending on your position. If for instance, you’re an assistant superintendent on step 1 of grade 8, you can be rewarded with the monthly salary of #128, 000. And if we are to calculate this on a yearly basis, you may have a total of #1, 536, 000.
If you’re an assistant superintendent on step 10 of grade 8, you can expect to be paid almost #144, 000 on a monthly basis. And on a yearly basis, this gives you a total of #1, 728, 000. If you’re a staff member under the grade level 08, don’t be too eager to be paid high salaries but as you ascend to higher positions, you will be remunerated better. Alongside the police service is the Nigerian army and too many Nigerian citizens, the Nigerian army is much preferable than the Nigerian police. If you belong to the grade level 08 in the Nigerian army, you can expect to be paid the monthly salary of #130, 000.

  • Level 08 Salary for Members of Nigerian Civil Defence

Within the civil department, the Nigerian Civil Defence is one of the interesting options you can choose. In fact, many Nigerians now prefer to be Civil Defence officers than playing a role in the Nigerian police force. It is often said that officers in the Nigerian Civil Defence are trained by soldiers. With regard to this, Civil Defence officers command respect and are even regarded with the esteem that police officers hardly merit.

If you belong to step 1 of the grade level 08 within the Nigerian Civil Defence, you can expect to be rewarded with the monthly salary of #121, 000. This is a considerable salary to earn as a Civil Defence officer. Above this, you can have the grace to be elevated to a top rank. In case you’re determined to earn higher on a monthly basis, you have to show strong commitment in the hope that you may be promoted early enough. In short, higher ranks guarantee higher salaries.

That’s all for now on Grade Level 08 Salary In Nigeria – Details and Analysis.


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