This is UK Visa fees in Nigeria 2022. The United Kingdom is one of the nations many Nigerians visit on a regular basis. Plenty of Nigerians visit the nation for various purposes including business, academic study and international relations, therefore,  the need to explain UK visa fees in Nigeria 2021 currently. 

There are only few cases where a Nigerian doesn’t pay a fee to get a UK visa. If you’re on an official UK visit sponsored by the UK government, you will be given a UK visa free of charge. Also, holders of diplomatic passports will be provided with free visas to enter the United Kingdom.

If you are visiting the United Kingdom for a purpose that doesn’t qualify you for a free visa, it’s very important that you find out the fee you will be required to pay for your visa type. Obviously, there are various UK visa types and each type has a fee stipulated by the UK immigration authorities.

The official website for checking UK visa fees for various countries will provide you updated information. But if you’ll find it demanding to check the visa fees published on the website one after the other, you can follow this article for general information about UK visa fees in Nigeria.

Popular UK Visa Types and Their Fees in Nigeria

The UK visa fees in this article cover most of the popular visa types obtained by Nigerians. We would try our best to provide you up-to-date information about these UK visa fees but you may still have to visit the official website in future. The reason for this is that UK visa fees can be subjected to changes over time –probably after few months.

Visa Fee for Visitors In Transit

To obtain a UK visa under the visa type `Visitors in Transit’, you’ll be required to pay the sum of $87.

Visa Fees for Standard Visitors

In Nigeria, the Standard Visitors’ visa seems to be the commonest category of UK visas. Below are the visa types, as well as their corresponding fees, under Standard Visitors’ visa.

Short-term UK visa (with a 6-month validity period) can be obtained at the price of $125

Longer-term UK visa (with a 5-year validity period) can be obtained at the price of $857

Longer-term UK visa (with a 2-year validity period) can be obtained at the price of $472

Longer-term UK visa (with a 10-year validity period) can be obtained at the price of $1074

Fee for Short-term Study Visa

The short-term study visa is basically for those willing to travel to the United Kingdom and study on a temporary basis –precisely for a period of 6 months. This type of visa attracts the fee of $130 but the fee extends to $251 for anyone who wishes to study English over the 6-month stay.

Visa Fees for Special Visitors

The Special Visitors’ visa is another visa category commonly chosen by Nigerians. Basically, it can be chosen by those traveling to the United Kingdom as special visitors. Below are the visa types, as well as their corresponding fees, under Special Visitors’ visa.

Visa for civil partnership or marriage can be obtained at the price of $125

Parents who wish to visit their children at UK schools can obtain a visa at the price of $694. Importantly, this visa is only valid for one year.

Child visitors pay the same UK visa fees as standard visitors

Visa Fees for Business Visitors

This UK visa category comprises various visa types as listed below with their corresponding fees.

UK visas for permitted paid engagements, prospective entreprenuers and diplomatic couriers can be obtained at the price of $125

UK visas for dental observation, clinical attachments and PLAB/OSCE test can be obtained at the price of $130

UK visa for an academic visitor and dependant can be obtained at the price of $251. This visa has a validity period of one year.

Visa Fees for Course F Visitors

The Course F visitors’ visa is the type of UK visa obtained by members of foreign armed forces. Whether you’re the main person applying for this visa or a dependant of that person, you’ll be charged the sum of $694.


How to Get the Most Relevant Information about UK Visa Fees In Nigeria 2021

The official website has the comprehensive lists of UK visa fees for most countries including Nigeria. So far so good, we have only listed the relevant visa fees for most of the UK visa types commonly obtained by Nigerians. For those who would like to know the fee for any other important UK visa type not mentioned in this article, the official website is always the most reliable source.

Besides the official website for UK visa fees, no other website(s) can really provide the most relevant information about UK visa fees for all countries. As previously mentioned, UK visa fees for Nigeria are subjected to change and as such, below are the instructions you need to stay updated with the fees.

  • Using your mobile phone or any other internet-enabled devices, visit the link
  • After landing on the homepage, scroll down a little bit and click the green-coloured button indicating `Start now’
  • This will show you a list of countries from which you’re to choose your home country
  • Select `Nigeria’ from the long list of countries
  • Then select the visa category you need information about
  • As a better option, you can simply select `Show all’ in order to check all the visa types (including their corresponding visa fees) under your chosen visa category


Our conclusion on this article is that UK visa fees in Nigeria  can change over time as stipulated by the UK immigration authorities. Whenever you’re thinking about visiting the United Kingdom, try to check out the information on the official website for the updated fee for your visa type. Also, all the UK visa fees for Nigeria, as contained in this article, are presented in US dollar and due to fluctuations in exchange rate between US dollar and the Nigerian naira, you may have to check out an updated list of exchange rates to know how much your UK visa fee is up to in naira.

That’s all on UK visa fees in Nigeria 2022


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