Factually speaking the era of struggling for the United States visa and packing your bags, travelling to the U.S. without a definite job you intend to do is long gone. Likewise, the idea of studying anyhow course is not only stupid but highly unproductive and time wastage. Nowadays, you have to be sure of the job you want to venture into and research into the payment outcomes from the onset is a realistic option,  that’s why we researched and come up with 22 jobs in high demand currently in the United States.



Although,  there are many branches of Nursing however the most common and in high demand is General Nurse because they perform various types of health care combined. They could be regarded as Nurses that perform combination duties daily. They perform tasks for patients in different stages of their illness,  such as cleaning wounds, administering drugs, following Doctors on duty and providing medical explanations and advice. Stay by a patient on emergency and admission.

Generally, Nurses are mostly suitable in General hospitals and local health clinics, Industrial Health clinics and organisations They are Registered Nurses and professionals in their approach to Nursing duties. Expectedly, general Nurses are in high demand currently in the United States.


Public health Nurses are the healthcare professionals that are operating in the prevention and education of public health. Usually, they operate at community health centres or facilities. They play vital roles in the prevention and spreading of diseases. While some Nurses may specialise in one area, a public health Nurse is a general practitioner in that they take care of all health challenges and needs of the whole community where they operate.

In some Public health centres there may be no medical Doctors available,  it is the work of a public health Nurse to take charge of the health care situations as they may occur, without waiting for anyone else.

Because of the health challenges taking place in most provinces of the United  States currently, there are serious needs for public health Nurses. Because the local Workforce cannot satisfy the demand in question, anyone who is a registered Nurse from here is guaranteed a job on arrival. 


If you are a qualified nurse and you have an additional qualification in Psychiatric nursing you’re lucky because your area of specialization is in hot demand right now in the US. A large percentage of foreigners are currently doing courses in basic nursing to specialize in Psychiatric nursing because there is a huge demand for psychiatric nurses in the US.

They believed vividly that immediately they qualified they have the chance of landing a job with good pay in places such as Hospitals, Community health centres, group homes, and schools. They can be employed to manage patients who are experiencing mental health, behavioural and psychiatric problems. The area is so huge and in high demand for a qualified person to cash in. Furthermore, if you’re interested in a profession that allows you to work and study simultaneously, choose psychiatric nursing because there are schools in the US that offers Psychiatric nursing courses online without the need to attend full-time classes. You’re smartly killing two birds with one stone. At the end of your studies, jobs are waiting for you in different areas of the country 


Accident and emergency Nurses are Registered Nurses specialising in attending to accident and emergency patients. They have the technical know-how in this very important aspect of medical services. Most established hospitals have emergency Units that are always busy all the time. It is the duty of Accident and emergency Nurses to know how to handle the delicate emergency that usually occurred very often.

The control of emergency types of equipment and medical materials is within the reach of Accident and emergency Nurses

With the emergency of the COVID-19, the need for Accident and emergency Nurses is now in high demand because the epidemic continues to ravage the US and the third waves or Delta variants are being tackled head-on.  Most COVID-19 cases usually start from the Accident and emergency unit. Undoubtedly, this branch of Nursing is in high demand currently in the United States.



Even though you are a qualified medical doctor from your country, you cannot arrive in the US and begin to practice your profession, the foremost thing to do is to get a license which takes a long process, further training, and patience before you join them, therefore you can start as a physician assistant, which requires few years to acquire its license.

You can start practices under the supervision of a licensed physician, you have nothing much to lose in that the Salary is good, especially if you compare it with a miserable Salary back in your country. 


As the name implies Perioperative Nurses are Registered Nurses that work with patients who are about to go for surgery or other invasive treatments. They work uncompromisingly with  Anaesthetics Nurses, Anaesthesiologists, surgeons, including Practitioners, and surgical technologists. As registered Nurse, they work mainly in the operating room.

Preoperative nurses are responsible for the provision of information and emotional support for patients and interact with the patient’s family or guardian so that the operation to be carried out will go on with success and the outcome will be a resounding success.

The more the health care services are expanding in the US and the coronavirus pandemic is ravaging the services of preoperative Nurses are increasingly indispensable. Currently,  the demand for Preoperative Nurses are far lower than supply and if you’re qualified in this field you will have no problem in securing a good job.


Orthopaedic Nurses are Registered Nurses specially trained to take care of patients with fractures or hospitalization for joint replacement. They stay with orthopaedic related patients and provide the needed medical treatment and assistance throughout the patient stay in the hospital. Professionally they take care of patients with musculoskeletal disease and disorders.

The more United States population keep increasing and more young adults are in upwards movement, improving living standards with young adults having access to motor vehicles the more the need for Orthopaedic Nurses in the United States currently.

The total number of Orthopaedic Nurses in the US is inadequate and there is a need for qualified Orthopaedic Nurses to come in be part of the upwards movement. If you’re a licensed Orthopaedic Nurse you Wii not have headaches in securing a good job in this field.


Intensive care Nurses are professionally qualified nurses who specialized in providing health care to patients with a life-threatening illnesses. They have special training in handling important medical equipment needed for patients with critical conditions. They have the skill and experience that a patient needs in surviving surgery and other medical treatments.

Nowadays that the health care is vastly expanding and improvement is experienced in the modern intensive care unit,  the work of Intensive care Nurses are increasingly needed currently in the United States. You will do yourself a great favour if you can be part of them now that there is a high demand for Intensive care Nurses in the United States.



Geriatric Nurses or Gerontological nursing is a specialized nursing about older adults. Gerontological nurses work as a caregiver or help in taking care for ageing and elderly people. A Geriatric Nurse is a Registered Nurse but goes for further training to be able to specialize in Gerontological Nursing thereby having the skills in how to take care of the general health needs of the elderly.

Gerontological nursing appeared new to some people in this part of the world, due to the fact hardly do you find a single institution of learning offers this all-important course because they and their authorities lack innovations and narrow in researching on current happenings on the globe.

The western world in general, place importance on the well-being of the elderly. There is various programme focus on taking care of older adults.

Furthermore, as the quality of life increases due to various innovations in medicine and supplements, it is easy to see old people reaching 80 to 100 and the need to attend to their needs increases, therefore, if you’re a professional in the field of Gerontology nursing you’re sure of getting a job in a short possible time with good pay as a foreigner.


The work performed by nurse Anesthetic is so important in medical surgery that no hospital or medical surgeon commences surgery without a nurse Anesthetic.
Their work is vital and in great demand but qualified nurse Anesthetic are very few, hence the reason why the job is in high demand right now in the US.

For definition purposes, according to “money.usnews.com” defined the profession is a type of advanced practice registered nurse, nurse Anesthetics work with patients regarding anaesthetic treatment before, during, and after surgery, as well as with therapy or other medical procedures.


The American Association of Occupational Health Nurses describes an Occupational Health Nurse as someone who ” provides for and delivers health and safety programs and services to workers, worker populations and community groups. The practise focuses on the promotion and restoration of health,  prevention of illness and injury,  and protection from work-related and environmental hazards. Occupation and environmental health Nurses have a combined knowledge of health and business that they blend with health care expertise to balance the requirement for  a safe and healthful work environment with a ‘healthy’ bottom line”

Occupation health Nurses are general practitioners in a work environment,  they work with employees and interact with employers in other to provide the healthcare needs of the organization where they operate.

Occupation health Nurses are Registered Nurses (RN) In some cases they are University graduates with a degree in Nursing. Their Salary increases with years of experience and intention to grow with the organization. You’re on course if you specialised in Occupational health Nursing because you will have no problem in getting a job with good pay currently in the United States.



A Cardiothoracic Nurse is a Registered Nurse with additional qualifications or training as a speciality Cardiothoracic Nurse. They provide ongoing care to help patients manage heart conditions. Such as measuring the blood pressure of patients on regular basis and giving medical advice on how to bring the blood pressure down from time to time.

Nowadays, when the US population is ageing and more elderly people are reaching old age the work of Cardiothoracic nurses are in high demand currently and because it is not a popular Nursing speciality anyone who is a specialist in this area of nursing is guaranteed employment immediately on arrival.


Pharmacists are medical Practitioners who are masters in guiding patients on the exact ways to use, store and provide medicine as prescribed by medical doctors. They read and fill prescriptions provided by medical doctors and other qualified healthcare professionals. Pharmacists work in the production of drugs, hospitals, and health institutions.

Nowadays in the United States Pharmacists are in high demand because various pharmaceutical companies are producing vaccines and drugs in great quantities to stem the disease associated with COVID-19 and others.


This is a medical professional working under a qualified pharmacist. They are in great demand right now because of the increased health or drug needs of the people and shortages of a pharmacist who must have a Doctor of Pharmacy as well as a license before practising.

A pharmacy technician is the one who dispenses medications to patients in accordance with prescriptions from medical doctors.


Just as with the plumber, the electrician is required urgently to carry out critical maintenance, repairs, and upgrade to electrical systems within the existing home and public buildings in the US right now.
More so with construction booms taking place all over the States and with skilled workers reaching the retirement age, there are an increased needs for qualified electricians to take charge.
The more you have expansion works the more you require the use of a professional electrician, hence the high demand for electricians in the US.
If you have the basic technical know-how in this field, it is advisable you start immediately looking for schools in the US where you can do further training to obtain the certificate and necessary license to qualify you to practice in the US. If you’re qualified to practice,  getting a job is very easy nowadays.



This is one profession that is making a wave in the USA right now. With modern technology and the coming of a driverless vehicle, truck driving is now made simple. Most healthy adults with sound knowledge of driving can handle the truck. It is no longer a job for the hard guys. Therefore get a driver’s license and Google Maps you’re on your way to good pay.
Please note that truck driving is one of few profession where you requires no bachelor degree. Smart people use this as a take-off point, no matter their level of education or background. Medical doctors from Asia often time take to truck driving while waiting for their professional licenses,  which will definitely take long years to approve.


If you are an expert in handling tools be sure that there are many manufacturing companies and service outlets that are waiting to employ mechanics and back it up with good pay. This profession is one of the most sought after jobs right now in the US.

The ice on the cake is that this profession comes with possibilities of establishing your workshop, be independent, and earn more.

Mechanic and service technician is one of the 21 jobs  in high demand currently in the United States. Therefore if you are a mechanic or rewire as the name implies here, and you have basic qualifications, quickly find your way to the North American country and earn it big instead of wasting your talent here on pay that cannot take you home.


Farm Attendants are of few jobs in the US that do not involve rigorous training or having a university degree.  All you need is to be above 18 years and have a high school certificate and be energetic with a sound mind. Farming areas such as poultry, picking and mending fruits,  animals husbandry are experiencing acute shortages of personnel due to prolonged periods of COVID-19 and hash treatments by the previous Trump administration many Skilled workers relocated to Canada and the gap is yet to be filled.

If you’re interested in working as a farm Attendant you will not have problems landing a good job without a college degree because the job is in high demand currently.


Medical laboratory scientists are few areas in the medical profession that are outside the immediate reach of patients. Taking of a patient sample may be done and taken to a Medical laboratory scientist without the patient following the Nurse.

Medical laboratory scientists are responsible for conducting different types of tests on patient samples in order to detect the presence or absence of disease. They rely mainly on medical machines or equipment to bring out the right outcomes or results of samples they put in.

The more people require various medical treatments and different diseases needed analysis to get the right outcomes by medical doctors or pharmacists, various medical machines are deployed to get the best results. The new world order of coronavirus pandemic made the work of Medical Laboratory scientists highly needed,  currently, they are in high demand in the United States.



Social workers are professionals who specialized in meeting the basic and complex needs of an area or community. Social workers are usually found in critical or crises. Formerly they are visible in the US  mainly during An earthquake, Hurricane or Tornado crisis or huge fire disasters, however nowadays their work is in high demand due to the prevalence of COVID-19 and the third waves ravaging many provinces of the US.

They provide first aid and continue relief efforts and materials needed by the vulnerable people. Nowadays that coronavirus pandemic created many widows and orphans it is the duty of Social workers to provide professional care and relief materials through State and Federal Agencies.  Including many non-governmental organisations (NGOs) They provide help at a critical time,  they help widows and children to cope with problems in their daily lives.

We gave community social workers, Children,  families and schools social workers,  Healthcare social workers and those that specialise in taking care of the elderly called Gerontological social workers.

Presently there are shortages of Social workers in the US currently and anyone who knows how to get a job or is qualified as a professional Social worker is guaranteed a good job become it is one of those jobs in high demand currently in the United States.


Don’t be surprised, plumbers are in high demand currently in the United States. No matter how modern a building is constructed, there will come a time for water system maintenance, leakages, and blockages here and there that needs the attention of professional plumbers. Take it or leave it, city construction and maintenance requires the services of plumbers. They are in high demand over there right now.

Plumbing is one of the few professions that doesn’t require a university degree to function. All you need is a license to practice as a professional plumber.


A Psychologist is an expert in the studies of the human mind and behaviour,  they use their expertise and researches in solving human problems. Treatment of mental illness is some area that a Psychologist can understand and solve with resounding success.

If you have a Master’s degree or better still if you have a Doctorate PhD you can easily land a good job if you have the right connections in the United States because your profession is in high demand currently.


That all of the above jobs are in high demand currently doesn’t make them too hard to acquire,  all you need is the will and determination to win. The good aspect is that most of them come with good pay that is unparalleled in other professions. Jobs such as various branches of Nursing and pharmacy are currently paying very well that no matter the efforts or resources but will surely be worth it in the end.

 That’s all for now on 22 jobs in high demand currently in the United States.


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