Have you ever wondered how important it is to have a career in life? The necessity of career or jobs, how to get a job in the USA from Nigeria will be exponentially explained in these write-ups.



For one to get a career abroad especially in the United States, it can be both a benefit in one’s personal learning and growth experience and professional development for any job opportunities. Nigerians that have that zeal of “I need a job in a foreign land” usually move to an international nation and to work on either a part-time or a long-time position.

When searching for job vacancies online and desire to be successful in lots of work and commitment, one needs to make a choice in order to be an expatriate.

In a rising market today, Nigerians are looking for employment positions in foreign countries like in India, United States, China, Middle East and in Eastern Europe because of the presence of the economic instability of Nigeria.

There is a saying that says “A good day is a payday” which suggests that one can earn fund if he has a career or a job. Nigerians really want to have something doing in order to get a pay, and some of them have these believe that it can easily be found when they travelled to the United States. When one finally has a job, one can basically do things that person wants to do, buy things he needs, have a comfortable place to live and then pay bills if he earns money from that career he has. These also suggest that one cannot do much without money.

There is always self-respect, self-worth and dignity that usually goes with one that has a career or job. A successful future is attainable with a solid foundation which goes in hand with the responsibility of taking one’s self is possible due to a career or job one has.

Learning of new things, development of new skills and recording of employment is attainable when one has a career in his life. Someone that works or have a career can contribute positively to an environment which will bring forth development and the growth of a country’s economy because a productive citizen makes a stronger community through his contribution.   

When applying for a career openings in the United States, Nigerians should have these in their minds that in the United States, there is an improved availability of an advanced technologies than what we have here in Nigeria, also, they should also know that international career market especially the career position in the United States does not work that way that we think and analyze in our minds. Inasmuch as the reward for getting a career outside Nigeria mostly the job vacancy in the United States is big but doing it in the right way is a sure way.

There is a need for one to strictly follow the correct steps to look for job spaces or vacancies in order to get the right job because the reward for foreign work experience is large.


The United States is the globe’s third to the fourth largest and biggest nation by total area. New York City is the largest city in the United States by population. It is a federal republic that has fifty number of states. It is the third most populous nation with over three hundred and twenty-five million people of population. The United States became the premier nation to get her freedom from a European power after the war ended in 1783. Each state in the United States of America has a county.

Declaration of the United States of America independence was in the year 1776. It is the first country to develop nuclear weapons, not just developing nuclear weapons alone, but they use them in the warfare. It is a highly developed country with the globe’s biggest economy in terms of a nominal Gross Domestic Product. It is considered to be the globe’s second largest exporter of products which are the goods and services and then the largest importer of goods and services. It is a well-organized country that rules and regulations of the land work very well.

Internationally, the United States of America is a leading master when it comes to a cultural, politically and scientifically force because of the foremost military power globally.

In human development, productivity per person, average wage, and a capital Gross Domestic Product, the United States has been ranked as one of the countries that have a diverse measure of a socioeconomic performance.

 Washington DC serves as the capital of the United States of America.  When it comes to the structure of the government The United States of America is a federal republic in which the president is both the head of states and the government.

There are diverse types of religious beliefs in the United States, but Christianity belief is the most predominant religion one can see in the country. There are also different ethnic groups in the United States. The English Language is the official language of the country.



Africa no doubt is the second most populous continent in the world. There are many countries that are located inside Africa and one of those countries is Nigeria. Nigeria is one of the countries that are in West Africa. Nigeria as a country has boundaries with Cameroon to the eastern part of Africa, at the southern end of Africa is the Atlantic Ocean, Niger and the Chad Republic to the North Africa and then the Benin Republic on the western side of Africa.

It is considered to be a one in every seven Africans which in other words it implies that more than one hundred and seventy million people are living in Nigeria making it become the most populous nation in the whole of Africa ’s continent and even in the world.  It is the eighth most populous country.

There are more than two hundred and fifty ethnic groups that are in Nigeria through the Hausa-Fulani, the Igbo tribe, and the Yoruba tribes are the most three dominant tribes that can be seen in Nigeria. The examples of the other two hundred and fifty tribes are Ibibio’s, Efiks, Igala, Isoko and so many others.

Christianity and Islamic religion are the two main religions that are in Nigeria, though other religions like the traditionalist that is dominantly practised in the eastern part of Nigeria, Hindu and others can also be found in Nigeria.

The River Niger is the name of that largest and biggest river that is inside Africa which Nigeria derives its name from. Nollywood, the name of the second-best movies been ranked globally is located in Nigeria. Nigeria got her freedom from England in the year 1960 but it was inaugurated in the year 1914. Globally, Nigeria stands as the twelfth largest producer of crude. Nigeria’s official language is the English Language, but other languages such as Yoruba, Hausa, and Igbo languages are the major languages of Nigeria as well. Abuja is the federal territory of Nigeria. Nigeria has a tropical kind of climate. There are about six geopolitical zones available, thirty-six states and one hundred and seventy-seven local governments in Nigeria. Nigeria practices a unitary system of government where powers are separated.


Inasmuch as Nigerians are tripping into an international country more especially the United States, but to search or even to get that job or career in the United States can be very tedious especially on the online job search.

Below are the basic five steps to follow in order to have a fruitful online job search.

  1.    Write out the specifications you desired to get from the United States careers openings.
  2.    Write out the state of the United States you desired to be working in.
  3.    The nature of the career that you are looking out for.
  4.    Checkmate the period of time you wish to work for out there in the United States.
  5.    Decide whether you wish to alter the present field/line of your current career or just wish to stay put in your recent field.
  6.    For you to travel out and kick-start working in the United States, you have to find out the type of visa that is required in the country. In order to do these, you have to search for a company that will have interest in sponsoring your movement to a diverse nation especially moving into the United States with the intention of working for them or apply for a visa that will permit you to work officially in the United States before even applying for any vacancies.
  7.    Apply for a visa that you may qualify for on a time when deciding on moving to the US to work. Depending on the type of career visa you wished to apply for, one does not need to get a career over there before applying for any job openings available in the United States. But you have to commence your career search first if your visa application requires that you get a job first.
  8.    In order for one to get a job opening in the United States, that person must search for a job vacancy in an international country like the United States through the company position listings and a search engine. You can associate the service of an expert who the recruiters in the foreign hiring are. You can either update your cumulative vitae and give it to that recruiting specialize or just apply for the vacancy you have desire on directly on the company’s website.
  9.    You can first contact the immigration office of the United States that you desire to move and work in if the job openings in the United States your interest have, you can then request for the visa after applying for one by strictly following the United States application process.
  10.    Wait patiently for a positive response to your career applications. Here, you will be required to take part in neither a phone call interviews or maybe travel to the United States to be questioned directly. You can get prepared to move to the United States immediately your visa application and a job offer is recognized and accepted.


In order for one to be able to secure a career in the United States from Nigeria, these three basic things will be of great assistance;

  1.    The level of your experience in your line of the field or area
  2.    A valid visa document and a passport
  3.    How well your resume is constructed and
  4.    The level of your educational attainment


1. Your best bet is to liaise or get in touch with a reliable relative or friend legally residing in the US to assist you in searching for a job. Or connect you with a potential employer who may need your skill.
2. Let your relative be your guide on the type of area or States where you can easily migrate and secure a job.
3. Be sure your profession or skill is in hot demand, take into consideration hundreds of job applicants already on the ground in the US.
4. If you do not have a willing relative and you cannot do it personally, get reliable agents that have a successful experience in job matters, not ‘Mr know it all’ who may swindle you at the end.
5. You may set up a LinkedIn profile, it’s very helpful.
6. Search for a reliable job website. It is possible to secure your dream job if you take the internet search seriously.


Conclusively, you should note that to get an offer to start working in the United States is not that easy considering the barriers such as how advanced one is in the area of technological advancements, the years of experiences, the problem associated with visas and other things that surrounds it. Inasmuch as there is always a huge compensation that goes home with anyone that is opportune to get a job there, but still it is advisable that all the necessary qualification is attained before thinking about travelling to the United States for a job.

That’s all for now on how to get a job in USA from Nigeria.


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