Travel to Liberia From Nigeria Step By Step Guide

Travelling between Nigeria and Liberia is an exciting adventure any day in that travellers have different or cheaper options in prosecuting the journey which is cost-effective by all standards. Here we intimate you on travel to Liberia from Nigeria step by step guide to enable travellers especially first-timers to be aware of what the trip entails.

If you are looking for a cheaper place you can travel to, Liberia a clean and close ally West African country to Nigeria is undoubtedly an important place that must be high on your list.



Regardless of the city or town, you’re starting your Liberia trip from, there are various options available in terms of how you can get to the land of President George Manneh Oppong Weah from Nigeria.

1. GO BY ROAD.  This option used to be the most popular in the past until corrupt government security officials on the way spoiled the fun for travellers by creating unnecessary bottlenecks along the way.  All you need to do especially if you’re commencing your trip from Lagos is to head to Mile two general motor park or proceed to Masamasa luxurious bus motor park along Lagos-Badagry highway. There you have choices of transportation ranging from Luxurious Buses equipped with Air conditions, to Bus-car, and ordinary 18 seaters buses and different types of taxi cabs. All heading to  Monrovia.

Please note that your budget dictates the choice of vehicle you selected. Overall, the important outcome is that if you board a vehicle directly from the above-mentioned motor parks your safety is guaranteed. Secondly, here you get the cheapest means of transportation from Lagos to Monrovia.

Please note that if choose to go by road be ready to spend about 26 hours on the road and get set to face hostile security and corrupt officials on the way oftentimes.

It is recommended you follow commercial vehicles especially Luxurious buses, they understand the terrain and manoeuvring their way through the numerous routes and checkpoints along the way is something they’ve mastered.  You are guaranteed peace of mind in dealing with usually hostile security officials between the Seme and Liberia border.

Luxurious buses such as ABC transport and Young Shall Grow are very common on the route before the sudden arrival of the coronavirus pandemic that disrupted commercial activities of the region for a while. Feel free to check out the current busses operating on the Lagos Monrovia route currently.

The biggest advantage in going by road is the pictorial possibility of seeing local inhabitants of different ethnic groups along the way. Whenever your vehicle makes a stopover,  you can easily interact with the local people along the way. Attractive souvenirs are selling at various stopovers.


If you’re a business-minded person with no time for frivolity, you can go by flight.  Surprisingly, going by flight appears to be more economical and it eliminates time wastage crossing land borders which are becoming a nuisance by the day due to unprofessional attitudes of security personnel in most countries between Lagos and Monrovia.

Flights from Lagos to Monrovia is under 3 hours. It may appear expensive initially, but the totality of the entire journey is not only wise and smarter but it eliminates the untold hardships and frustrations associated with road travel.

There are different types of Airlines operating between Lagos and Monrovia such as Peace Airlines, Arik Air etc. The average flight ticket is USD350.


Luckily, Nigeria and Liberia are members of the Economic Community of West African States ECOWAS which allows citizens of member countries a 90 days visa-free entry. Therefore if you are going to Liberia as a Nigerian citizen you will enjoy visa-free entry for 90 days.

You only need to present your international passport or an ECOWAS travel certificate valid for the period you intend to stay in Liberia. However, if you want to stay beyond the stipulated 90 days,  you must apply for an extension. Or if you are a smart person you may exist and return to start another 90 days afresh.

Furthermore, you must present your health certificate popularly called a Yellow card with all the necessary proof of vaccination stamps such ad Yellow fever vaccination, COVID 19 clearance certificate, Tuberculosis etc.

Don’t forget to take along a basic travelling allowance sufficient to cover your entire stay in Liberia, please, unless you have friends or relatives there, staying in the country may be difficult because temporary jobs are almost difficult to obtain.


There is plenty of accommodation for various categories of visitors to Liberia,  the more you understand the terrain the more you get cheaper accommodation. If you’re new to the area the best way is to consult professional accommodation providers online. They will give you the best options. However, if you don’t mind lack of privacy, enquire about a Youth Hostel. If available,  Youth Hostel offers the cheapest accommodation tailored made for poor travellers.


There are different types of foods you can go for in Monrovia which will not strain your pocket. According to multiple sources, Rice and spicy meat sauce or fish and potatoes stews, palava sauce and jollof rice are the most common dishes in Monrovia. You will like to have more.



Whatever is your reasons for coming to Liberia, the good news is that as a member of the ECOWAS, the treaty permits you to stay for 90 days without molestation from any quarter. To cap it all you have the freedom of exit and return to start anew for another 90 days, smartly.

If you come here to look for a job, please perish the thought in that it will be very difficult because the rate of unemployment is very high, unless you have someone to help you. Liberia is a country with a large population of young people and the majority are jobless.

If you’re here to set up businesses, you’re in the right place but you must tread carefully, study and understand the area you intend to set up your business. There are lots of things you can engage in here especially bringing goods from Nigeria and other West African countries to dispose of in Liberia.

Remember the ECOWAS Treaty allows you to set up a business of your choice but with express approval from the Liberian government.

Do your research before you start setting up the business, apart from getting the approval from the authorities here and the mandatory employment of the citizens, you must be ready to confront or know the smart ways you can manoeuvre your ways through the notorious security personnel along the West African routes especially the Togolese border axis. Their greedy tendency can frustrate you out of business.

If you’re here to further your education, you’re in the right place,  in that Liberia is an English speaking country and the standard of education is quite the same as in many advanced countries. If you have the intention of staying for long in Liberia,  the best way is to enrol in a University and study full time. By the time you complete your degree, you are surely part of the society here. It may lead to getting a job that seems impossible at the beginning.

Please do not study any-how course. From the onset enrol for a course that is tailored to the economic development of Liberia. A sought after course such as Information Technology with specialization in Software Engineering or Health care related courses will surely take you to the top.

That’s all have to tell you for now on Travel to Liberia from Nigeria step by step guide.


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