Full details on the Australian embassy in Ghana location and Australian Visa requirements & Applications for Ghanaians. The information would certainly be useful to Ghanaian nationals who are interested in travelling or emigrating to Australia from Ghana.  In this post we give the address of the Australian High Commission in Ghana, and also offer tips to guide you through the process of a visa application.

Australian Embassy In Ghana & Visa Requirements


The Australian High Commission in Ghana is located at:

  • 1st Floor Emporium, Movenpick Ambassador Hotel,
    Independence Avenue, PMB CT 483 Cantonments
    Accra, Ghana.
  • Visa Office Website: www.border.gov.au.

Please note that you have to show up In person. Opening hours are from 8:30 am to 3:00 pm daily.

If you need to make phone enquiries about visa application procedures and application fees, you can do so via the Teleperformance Africa Call Centre located in South Africa.

  • Telephone number is: +27 (0) 21 401 7500

Phone lines are active from 6:30 am to 2 pm Monday to Friday Accra time.

Please Note: International call charges apply. {{There is an option to leave contact details and request a return call}}. The call centre is however closed on South African public holidays.

You will need to Lodge the applications directly at the Australian Visa Application Centre, which is operated by Teleperformance.

All Visa applicants will need to go in person to the Australian Visa Application Centre (AVAC) in Accra, at the address provided above in order to lodge their application. The standard procedure for lodging the application includes filling of forms, providing biometric data (Which generally includes digital fingerprints) and also provide a passport photograph.

Important Information about Australian Visa Applications and Visa Requirements For Ghanaians:

All travellers and intending migrants into Australia, except New Zealand citizens, must obtain a visa or electronic travel authority before travelling to Australia. That is the legal requirement, and there will be no exceptions.

Immigration and visa inquiries are not directly handled by the Australian High Commission in Ghana. Although forms and biometric data of applicants are collected by the office in Ghana, Visa applications are reviewed by the immigration office in Pretoria, South Africa. The same is true for applications coming from Sierra Leone, Guinea, Senegal, Côte d’Ivoire, Liberia and also Togo, all visa and immigration matters and correspondence should be referred to the Immigration Office, Australian High Commission, Pretoria, South Africa.

Important information: Beware of Visa Scams

The Australian High Commission in Accra has become aware of several visa scams presently ongoing, and warn that intending visa applicants be cautious of any person offering ‘guaranteed’ Australian visas- there is no such thing.

Sometimes, these scammers may contact you out of the blue by post, email, phone or face-to-face offering to procure a visa in return for payments, they sometimes first demand personal details and identity documents. They may claim to know a high-level official in the Australian High Commission, or they may claim to be a ‘registered agent’ or ‘Australian visa application service,’ or something similar.

Scammers may sometimes try to trick you into believing that they are real by posing as staff from an Australian Government department, or by using websites that are designed to look like official Australian Government sites. These fake website operators often give incorrect advice, with the sole aim of stealing your money. They encourage you to lie on your application and ultimately do not deliver the services promised.

Warning Signs To Lookout For

{{You get an offer out of the blue for a ‘guaranteed’ Australian visa}}. This is usually a guaranteed scam.
The offer sometimes comes via email, post, over the phone, on a website or even face-to-face. The Australian government does not offer Visas without request.

The offer sometimes comes with claims of being a ‘once in a lifetime opportunity, or your ‘only’ chance to travel or migrate to Australia. That is a false claim; if an application is rejected, you can always try again.
You are then asked to make payment upfront, to ‘register’ your interest in getting a visa. The scammer asks you to pay them directly. That is the intention of the scheme, getting your money. Payments should go to the government department.

The scammer usually claims to have a special working relationship with the Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP) and promises protected entry to Australia.

They tell you they need to keep your original documents. This is usually to cover their tracks.
Remember that there is only one official Australian Government provider of visas – the Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP). They are the Australian government agency in sole charge of admitting people into Australia. DIBP’s official website is www.border.gov.au.

If you receive an email presumably from the Australian High Commission in Accra the email address must end in “@dfat.gov.au”. Any other email address should be treated as a scam.
DIBP charges a one-off fee at the time you lodge your visa application. This is a closure after you have imputed your details. You can pay the fee directly to the department and do not require any third party or ‘agent’ to pay this fee on your behalf.

No ‘agent’ or third- party can influence the outcome of a visa application or the visa decision-making process. Only authorized officers working for the DIBP can issue you with a visa and they will only do so if you meet all the visa requirements.

DIBP does not have any special relationships with outside agencies. This is a matter of law. DIBP officials do not give preferential treatment to anyone.

Australian Embassy In Ghana & Visa Requirements

But why would anybody want to go to Australia? Let us begin this article by looking at Australia; the country, and what it has to offer to a potential immigrant.

Australia- the Country

Officially called the Commonwealth of Australia, is a very big country indeed. The country’s landmass comprises the mainland of the Australian continent, the island of Tasmania, and also numerous smaller islands that surround them. It is the largest country in Oceania and the sixth-largest country in the world by total land area. The neighbouring countries (closest to Australia but separated by water ) are Papua New Guinea, Indonesia, and East Timor to the north; then there are the Solomon Islands and Vanuatu to the northeast, and then New Zealand (to whom they are most similar) to the south-east. The population of 26 million is highly urbanized and heavily concentrated in big cities on the eastern seaboard. {{The capital of Australia is Canberra, and its largest city is Sydney}}. The country’s other major metropolitan areas are Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth, and lastly Adelaide.

  • Economic Prospects

Australia is a wealthy country and has a free market economy, a high GDP per capita, and a relatively low rate of poverty. In terms of average wealth, Australia was ranked second in the whole world, only coming behind Switzerland from 2013 until 2018. In 2018, however, Australia overtook Switzerland and is now the country with the highest average wealth. Australia’s poverty rate increased from 10.2% to 11.8%, from 2000/01 to 2013, but this is quite normal for any country with a growing population- especially one growing through immigration. Australia was identified by the Credit Suisse Research Institute as the nation with the highest median wealth in the world, and also the second-highest average wealth per adult in the world, as of 2013.

The economy is powered by the gold mining industry, as well as other industries such as agriculture, tourism, banking, insurance, fashion and clothing, wine production, and so on.

Living in Australia opens up the doors for a good life, a good and efficient healthcare system that is supported by a medical insurance sector that works. Australia also offers the chance to live in an area that offers safety and security of lives and property. The climate is also fairly average, and so you should be able to acclimatize.

The Australian dollar is the currency for the nation, and 1 Australian Dollar equals 3.77 Ghanaian Cedis, while 1 Australian Dollar equals 0.68 United States Dollars. That means that if you intend to send money home to Ghana regularly you can quite easily do so at a comfortable rate, setting aside a small part of your earnings, which would multiply in value by the time it reaches Ghana.

That’s all from facts36.com on the Australian embassy in Ghana location, visa applications and requirements for Ghanaians.


Tag: Australian Embassy In Ghana Location, Australian Visa Requirements For Ghanaians

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