Microbiologist Salary In Nigeria – Microbiology happens to be a course in the University and also termed as a profession across the globe; this profession is spare headed by people or individuals known as a microbiologist. Microbiologists in Nigeria are deemed very useful in the medical aspects of a nation or probably the Pharmaceutical industry in society and the world at large. Microbiology is quite a lucrative profession in Nigeria and possibly other countries in Africa and the world at large, so if you intend on getting into this profession or you just graduated from the university as a microbiologist, you are lucky as this job pays well. So let’s get going into our main discussion today, in this article also, we would get to know more about this profession.

Microbiologist Salary In Nigeria

 No.  Year’s Experience  Salary
 1.  0-2 Years 56, 000
2.  3-9 Years  61,000
  • Microbiology Salary in Nigeria

The average salary paid to a microbiologist in Nigeria happens to be #58, 000 (Fifty-eight thousand naira), which was denoted from 14 employees, which implies that as a microbiologist in Nigeria you get an average salary of 58, 000 (Fifty-eight thousand naira). Payment by experience in Nigeria involves;

A 0-2 year’s experienced microbiologist get a minimum monthly salary of #56, 000

While a microbiologist with 3-9 years experience receives an average salary of #61, 000 monthly.

  • What are microbes?

Microbes are invisible to the human eye but are within us and also lives with us, following researches, there are ten microbes discovered in an average human body of which most of them are not harmful to the human body as they aid the digestion of foods, fight infections, and also treat depression.

Now the wrong side of it all is that microbes are a severe threat, and according to the world health organization, there are notations of new diseases to emerge every four months. Now bacteria can be described as organisms that have importance in related health issues and also if proper care is not taken could be the human’s worst nightmare.

Microbiologist Salary In Nigeria

  • What is Microbiology?

For as many that are interested in opt-in for this profession, do you know what this profession is all about? If yes, great for you,  if not, then no need to panic, we have got you covered, meanwhile, for those who know what this profession entails, you can as well pay attention as there might be an unveiling of what you probably don’t know about this profession.

Microbiology is termed as the study of Microscopic organisms such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, algae, and protozoa.  It’s just as simple as that, making use of a simple definition. Now guess who a microbiologist is, a microbiologist is a professional in the field of microbiology who studies the biochemical, physiological, and genetic features of a microorganism.

  • What does a Microbiologist do?

Now, this should be a question for a newbie as a professional already knows what his/her duties are, except if an individual didn’t gain the necessary experience deemed compulsory for the job. Anyways, either a professional or a newbie here is what to do in your field of profession.

If you probably think that the profession of microbiology implies a microbiologist to always sit at the laboratory, and then you should definitely have a rethink, anyways let’s get going to what a microbiologist does.

The duties of a microbiologist are quite numerous which makes them a set of busy people as they always need to make discoveries on lots of things that involves life, part of the duties of a microbiologist could involve him/her checking out slides, touring the extensive Amazonian forest to conduct researches, microscopic researches and lots more, all for the sake of seeking out new sets of species of microbes. Now, what is, are microbes? Not to worry, that would be discussed right in this article later on. Back to the duties of a microbiologist, a microbiologist could as well come across deadly creatures on Earth as they tend to track down deadly diseases such as the Ebola virus and Hantavirus as they would be required to discoveries researches on how to eradicate these viruses from the human race, more also, a microbiologist could at the course of duty and study of the growth of microbe float in Zero gravity aboard the space shuttle, you could as well go beneath the earth underwater to study microbes also, or you could probably climb up the slides of a volcano.

Being a professional in this field of study is quite exciting and opens you up to new discoveries, although, at times, the duties required to be performed by microbiologists can be scary and deadly, it takes courage and experience in such situations.  Well performing these duties speculated above actually depends on where you are specialized in the field of general microbiology as there are different aspects and specialization of microbiology.

  • Specializations of Microbiology

The various specialities of microbiology we have are as follows;

  • Pure Microbiology
  • Medical Microbiology
  • Applied Microbiology
  • Environmental Microbiology
  • Agricultural microbiology
  • Now let’s get to know what each specialization entails.


  • Pure Microbiology

A microbiologist in this field is meant to study and explore a given set or group of microorganisms to gain a better understanding of the organisms. They also tend to consider the function, structure, and classifications of the specific group of plants in which he/she is meant to explore and study, as well as look for means of gaining control of their activities. The fields of pure microbiology are noted to include Bacteriology which is the study of bacteria, Mycology (study of Fungi), Parasitology (the study of Parasite), Phycology (The survey of Algae), Virology (The study of Virus), Immunology (The study of the immune system), and Nematology (The Study of Nematodes).

  • Medical Microbiology

Medical Microbiology deals with the study of diseases causing microorganisms. This specialization of microbiology identifies the ways of preventing, diagnosing and treating infections, it also deals with reviews of the human immune system as well as focusing on the responses of the body to invading microorganisms.

  • Applied Microbiology

Applied Microbiology tends to deal with the exploration of the microbes’ capabilities of making medicines, food ingredients, and industrial enzymes.  This also involves industrial microbiology, of which a scientist or microbiologist make use of microorganisms in the development of products.

  • Environmental Microbiology

Environmental Microbiology is the study of microbial processes in microbial communities, environment, and microbial interactions. It is entangled with providing solutions to environmental problems with the use of microbes in bioremediation, as well as the exploration of oceans, caves, Antarctic ice, and deserts to get a better understanding of how bacteria affect the workings of our planet.

  • Agricultural Microbiology

Agricultural microbiology involves the study of microbes’ agrarian roles. Lots of microbes such as fungi, bacteria, and viruses cause numerous plant diseases, but at the same time take up an important role in multiple critical processes of agriculture such as soil fertility, nitrogen fixation, microbial degradation of organic matter, and bio-fertilizers.

Conclusion On Microbiologist Salary In Nigeria

Microbiology is quite a great profession that proves to be lucrative and can only be taken by brave and determined minds.

Microbiologists are known to work together with other medical practitioners at some particular stage with a common goal of performing their sole duties, and what are these only responsibilities? Well, you are going to find out that also in this article as we would even be discussing the Microbiology salary in Nigeria. Universities in Nigeria has produced great Microbiologist in the country, and they have been of great help in the medical sector of the nation, the kudos don’t only go to doctors and nurses, microbiologist and other medical practitioners should also be praised as they also contribute to the Country’s health status, and when I say the country’s health status, I mean the health status of the people residing in the country as the country is made up of the people that lives in it and not just the roads, borders, houses, and rivers of a particular area.


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