Now Is The Best Time For Africans To Visit Europe

In this write-up,  we shall intimidate you that now is the best time for Africans to visit Europe. Before the unexpected arrival of the coronavirus pandemic that took the whole world by surprise and which almost rendered travelling around the world useless,  thereby an individual preferred staying at home,  believing in the slogan ‘safety ‘first.

Before the coronavirus pandemic started ravaging most of the European foreign embassies in Africa used to make obtaining ordinary visiting visas to their country practically impossible to obtain by large numbers of African citizens.

Nowadays, things have changed dramatically, realistically the volume of travellers to Europe has noise dives drastically. Many European missions are having a rethink by relaxing the rules and regulations to encourage patronages.


1. Foremost,  the world orders has changed in favour of black Africans,  the sudden or the unexpected arrival of COVID-19 and the events thereon drastically affected the world orders and became a game-changer. Those countries that used to be given preferential treatment in accessing visas to most Western European countries or are Visa-free COUNTRIES, such as North Americans,  Indians, South Africans,  some Arab countries,  especially those from the Arabian Gulf Peninsula, certain Asian countries,  especially the Japanese and the Chinese (Taiwanese, Macao, and the Hong Kong citizens)are finding it extremely difficult right from their country to step out. And to make the matter worse,  there come the third waves and the Delta variants,  most of these favourites countries/territories are tags red COUNTRIES and are currently on visa banned to Europe.

2. While commercial flights from South Africa or India Turkey and UAE often are disallowed from landing,  flights from most West African countries are enjoying unrestricted access to European Airports.

3. Currently, almost all air travellers from West Africa are free to enter European countries without coronavirus restrictions,  as long as they observe the COVID-19 protocols.

4. Flights are things of joy to undertake nowadays. Unlike in the past that you experienced negative and different hiccups when planning a trip, such as delayed flights, flight cancellations, plane crashes, racial discrimination by certain airlines, and maltreatment of passengers.

5. Corruption and sharp practices by local security officials such as the Immigration and Customs officers, Airlines personnel and airport security officials are at the bearest minimum due to the introduction of modern security and operational gadgets.

6. Fast and efficient services: Travelling has evolved, when using African various airports these days you’re sure of efficient service. Old slow and inefficient practices are gradually fading.

7. Electronic Passports: Currently large numbers of countries have adopted Electronic passports which made fast clearance a sure possibility.


The following are some European countries that you can try their short or long term visas and you’re sure of getting it. Likewise, travelling to most of these countries,  you will surely enjoy your stay.


To anyone from Africa who is interested in travelling to Europe currently,  now is the best time to go to Iberian Spain. Furthermore,  if you’re thinking of visiting, working, outrightly looking for a country you can relocate to on your retirement, you can be wrong if you choose Spain.

In Spain you’re guaranteed of good quality of life, the cost of living is not expensive, consumable and general goods are affordable,  the environment is clean. In Spain, you’re sure of friendly weather throughout the year. The country is generally safe and secure including the rural areas which enable you to travel all over the country with peace of mind.

Unlike in the past, most people especially immigrants are choosing Spain as their preferred destination knowing fully well that today Spain present them with a better life unimaginable. To cap it all Spain is currently selected as the healthiest country in the world.

Currently,  Spain is one of the few European countries that successfully tackled the Coronavirus pandemic and achieved tremendous success. 


A member of the European Union neighbouring Spain, a relatively small country located on the Iberian peninsula is a country highly recommended for anyone looking for a European country that offers cheaper options when you’re considering permanent relocation. There is a workable system in place in Portugal that allows new arrivals to settle down and be able to apply or buy citizenship without many frustrations.

Like Spain or more, favourable weather is one of the reasons foreigners usually consider Portugal over other European countries.  Furthermore, consumer and general goods are much cheaper in Portugal compare with other members of the European Union.

Importantly,  if you applied for a Portuguese visa, you have the assurance of getting it than some countries where you have to sweat to meet their draconian requirements.


A Northern European country located in the Scandinavian is a friendly country where Africans usually feel at home. Despite the unfortunate weather, living and working in Norway is a thing of joy. That’s why more immigrants are struggling to come to Norway on daily basis.

An advanced country by all standards, but getting a Norwegian visa is not difficult for those that have the courage to apply and meet their requirements. All the indices that anyone may use in measuring a well organised and a sought after country are easily found in Norway.


Initially, when the United  Kingdom voted to exit the European Union most African migrants or potential African travellers to the big island country thought things may turn negative for them in their quest to visit or relocate to the UK. How wrong they are, because Brexit, as it is known, is now turning to be an advantage in that the United Kingdom administration is free to set its standard without recourse to group rules and regulations of the European  Union which most of the time turned to be an albatross.

The rate of African’s interest or preference in visit the UK has increased double folded.  The UK is a preferred destination by most West African.


Now that certain countries or regions are banned or facing restrictions in travelling to the most important countries in Europe, now should be the best time for you to pick your passport and take advantage of less crowd or demand for an entry visa from the so-called privileged countries, due to the coronavirus pandemic ravaging their country with no end in sight.

It will be smart and reasonable for you to take advantage of the current happenings and be in Europe because tomorrow may be too late.

That’s all for now on now is the best time for Africans to visit Europe,


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